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Capacity Building Toolkit

Crisis Management

Organizational Cash Flow Planning in a Crisis

In non-crisis times, cash flow planning makes life easier in developing funding reports, preparing for board meetings, and anticipating challenges and opportunities. During a crisis, it provides invaluable data to help lead organizations through difficult decisions on their path to safe harbor and recovery.

Consulting Firm: Nonprofit Finance Fund, Boston, MA and New York, NY

Content Expert: Sandi Clement McKinley

Session Resources:


Building Organizational Scenarios and Testing Budgets

Crafting scenarios define the potential financial impact of risks and opportunities. It helps to articulate current knowns (and unknowns), identify the questions to be addressed, key variables or drivers of change, range of potential year-end results, the risks associated with alternative scenarios, and contingencies and their triggers, and finally, provide leadership a chance to be thoughtful about big decisions that need to be made quickly and under pressure.

Consulting Firm: Nonprofit Finance Fund, Boston, MA and New York, NY

Content Expert: Sandi Clement McKinley

Session Resources:


Managing in an Age of Crisis

In this session, we look beyond short-term cash flow and scenarios, and start thinking about what it will take to reengage in operations after the crisis subsides, but also acknowledging that recovery will require change. Managing in a time of crisis requires organizations to prioritize its opportunities, decide on its path forward with proper stakeholder facilitation, communicating recovery strategies early and often with a variety of stakeholders, and finally, telling your crisis story with an emphasis on mission.

Consulting Firm: Nonprofit Finance Fund, Boston, MA and New York, NY

Content Expert: Sandi Clement McKinley

Session Resources:


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