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Girl looks at a mural at Beyond Walls Mural Festival, Lynn, MA

Agency Dates

Mural in Downtown Lynn Cultural District Stay informed about Mass Cultural Council's offerings using Agency Dates, a complete list of key dates and deadlines for grant opportunities, convenings, and events. This page is updated frequently, so check back often.

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photo of a black girl in yellow glasses and a yellow dress holding her arms open to embrace a black and white painted mural depicting a black man's face

Programs At-a-Glance

July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024

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Opportunities & Resources for Orgs – July 24

photo take from off stage. In the foreground 5 seated ballerinas are ready to go on for their part. In the background the stage lights are focusing on a few other ballet dancers.

A monthly round-up of grants, technical assistance resources, and opportunities for creative and cultural organizations

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Introducing the First Statewide Social Prescribing Solution in the U.S.

photo of 2 visitors at the Clark standing on either side of a Renaissance era painting, their backs facing the camera

Art Pharmacy announces launch of innovative healthcare program in partnership with Mass Cultural Council

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$1.92M Awarded to Individuals to Equitably Advance Creative Expression Throughout MA

Vibrant painting of an abstract landscape teeming with bright colors and shapes like squares, stripes, and natural forms.

385 grants of $5,000 each made to artists, culture bearers, and creative practitioners

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The power of culture

Culture lifts the human spirit and makes Massachusetts a better place to live, work, and prosper.

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Culture embraces everyone.

Culture enriches community.

Culture drives growth and opportunity.

Culture empowers a new creative generation.

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Ballerinas warming up, KAIROS Dance Theater, Boston, MA

What culture does.

When we invest in our cultural life, we invest in our shared future.

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That's the economic impact of culture in our state.



That’s how many jobs are linked to the arts and culture sector in Massachusetts.


That’s the percent of the state economy the cultural sector represents.

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What we do.

We partner with artists, communities, educators, and organizations to unleash the power of culture across Massachusetts. Find out about all of our programs.

Artists & Creatives

We foster creative expression and bring art to a wider audience.

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We expand education and put creativity at the center of youth development.

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Creative Youth Development »


We help cities and towns create rich cultural experiences and improve quality of life.

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We help cultural organizations grow and engage more people in our communities.

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From the Blog

Advancing Creativity, Supporting Financial Stability

A spare watercolor painting of a child on a swing, casting a shadow over a pale, monochromatic background.

Exploring the impact of grants on people receiving public benefits

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From the Blog

photo of a dimly lit performance space, spotlights shine on a handful of musicians on a small stage to the right.

$6.1M Invested into Mass Cultural Facilities

88 Cultural Organizations Receive Grants for Facility Projects; Awards Celebrated at the Children’s Museum in Easton

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From the Blog

video still with text according to the United States Bureau of Economic Analysis

Arts & Cultural Sector Hits All-Time High in Value Added to U.S. Economy

The overall arts economy grew by 4.8% in inflation-adjusted dollars between 2021 and 2022

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