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Three disabled and non-disabled dancers perform on a white outdoor stage, which opens up to a majestic background of trees, rolling hills and sky. In energetic unison, the three dancers curl into a ball, with lower limbs raised and upper limbs wrapped protectively around their heads. David and Zara balance on their tailbones, and Janpi balances in a one-handed wheelie in their wheelchair. All three dancers wear royal blue knit cropped shirts and matching pants.
Home / Organizations / Operating Grants for Organizations

Operating Grants for Organizations

Culture drives economic growth and opportunity through the creative economy. Operating Grants for Organizations provides multi-year, unrestricted operating grants to nonprofit organizations that enrich Massachusetts’ cultural life. These grants aim to strengthen the Commonwealth’s cultural sector which generates an economic impact of $28.6 billion.

Please note this program will replace the Cultural Investment Portfolio over the coming years.

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