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photo of a lit gallery wall, covered in works on paper and paintings. in the foreground is a black silhouette of a woman holding a mic and performing
Home / About / Who We Are / Public Record Requests

Public Record Requests

The Mass Cultural Council responds to all requests for access to public records as soon as practicable and within ten business days of receipt of the request, in compliance with the state’s Public Records Law. A “public record” refers to all materials or data, regardless of physical form or characteristics, made or received by any member or employee of the Council. For information about the Public Records Law please review A Guide to the Massachusetts Public Records Law published by the Secretary of the Commonwealth.

In order to ensure the accuracy of the response, Mass Cultural Council requests that public record requests be made in writing either by mail or hand delivery to:

David Slatery
Deputy Executive Director / Records Access Officer
Massachusetts Cultural Council
10 St. James Avenue, 3rd Floor
Boston, MA 02116

Or by email to David Slatery.

Phone: 617-858-2725

Please note that the Council may assess fees commensurate with the search and segregation time spent by employees to respond to the request as permitted by the Public Records Law. The Council will review each request to determine whether a fee is appropriate and in that event will generate an estimate for the requestor prior to assembling a response in accordance with the law.

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