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Frequently Asked Questions

Please contact the Contracts Office if you have any questions or comments.


All Grantees

What is the significant update for the new fiscal year regarding the grant payment process?

  • Transition to electronic contracts through DocuSign.
  • The revision of the Contractor Authorized Signatory Listing (CASL) Form by the Commonwealth Comptroller’s office.

Why is there a push towards electronic contracts?
The transition to electronic signature contracts aims to streamline processes, reduce paperwork, and ensure timely grant disbursements.

Why am I being asked to submit forms again that I’ve already provided?
Due to the transition to the new electronic system and changes in the Contractor Authorized Signatory Listing Form, even if you’ve submitted these forms previously, you’ll need to provide them again.

How should errors in the DocuSign process be addressed?
Pay attention to details. If entered incorrectly, the process must restart. Misdirected forms can lead to the improper disclosure of personally identifiable information. Additionally, absent, incorrect, or outdated information will most likely hold up your payment. If you have made a mistake, contact the Contracts Office.

Why can’t you make your forms more user-friendly?
All the forms required of grantees are required by the Office of the State Comptroller and cannot be altered. If you have any suggestions on how to make our instructions easier to work with, please contact the Cultural Equity & Access Team.

Organizations, Schools, Municipalities, and Other Groups

How many electronic signatures are now required on the Contract Authorized Signatory Listing (CASL) Form?
The form now requires two distinct electronic signatures:

  • Contract Authorized Signatory: A person with the legal authority in your organization to sign contracts and submit required contract documents.
  • Contract Authorized Officer: Another representative from your organization who can confirm that the Contract Authorized Signatory has the right to sign on behalf of the organization.

Can the Contract Authorized Signatory and the Contract Authorized Officer be the same person?
No, they must be two different individuals.

What do we do if our organization uses a fiscal agent?
Be sure to provide the Contract Authorized Signatory and Contract Authorized Officer for the fiscal agent. They need to complete the forms and contract.

What do we do if our organization has a parent organization?
If your organization does not have the authority to enter into a contract, then be sure to provide the Contract Authorized Signatory and Contract Authorized Officer for your parent organization. They need to complete the forms and contract.

What do I do if I am a Single Member Limited Liability Company?
Please follow the process for individuals, sole proprietors, and single member LLCs below.

How does the e-signature process with DocuSign work for organizations?

  1. The Contract Authorized Signatory will receive two DocuSign forms from the Massachusetts Office of the Comptroller:
    • Form #1 Contractor Authorized Signatory Listing (CASL) Form: Even if your organization has provided this in the past, you must now provide this information again.
    • Form #2 W-9 and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Form: Whether this is your first time providing this information or you have previously submitted these forms, you are now required to submit the W-9 and EFT forms again.
  1. The Contract Authorized Officer will receive one DocuSign email containing the Contractor Authorized Signatory Listing (CASL) Form after the Contract Authorized Signatory signs the CASL. This is a newly instituted requirement of the state.
  2. Mass Cultural Council will review all submitted forms carefully and contact you if clarification or adjustments are needed. An email confirmation will follow, indicating your state forms are complete and your standard contract is ready to sign.
  3. The Contract Authorized Signatory can expect one DocuSign form from Mass Cultural Council’s DocuSign account containing the Standard Contract Form and attachments.
  4. Once Mass Cultural Council signs the Standard Contract Form, you will receive an email from the grants management system letting you know it has been executed. A PDF copy of the executed contract will be available in the grants management system to download for your records. The Contract Authorized Signatory will also receive a copy from DocuSign.

Individuals, Sole Proprietors, and Single Member Limited Liability Companies

What is the CASL Form and why do I have to fill it out?
The updated directive from the Comptroller mandates the use of a new Contractor Authorized Signatory Listing (CASL) Form by individuals in order to receive payment.

This form:

  • Cannot be completed electronically.
  • Must be notarized by a public notary.
  • Must be snail mailed to Mass Cultural Council (we need the original, signed document)

How does the e-signature process with DocuSign work for individuals, sole proprietors, and single member LLCs?

  1. You will receive one DocuSign form from the Massachusetts Office of the Comptroller: W-9 and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Form.
    • Whether this is your first time providing this information or you have previously submitted these forms, you are now required to submit the W-9 and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) forms again.
    • You must include an uploaded image of a voided check OR a Direct Deposit Confirmation Letter from your bank containing your name, address, account, and routing number.
    • Please note that PO Box addresses are not acceptable on the W-9 Form.
    • Learn more: Using DocuSign for Combined W-9/EFT Form (PDF) and DocuSign FAQ.
  1. Complete the Individual Contractor Authorized Signatory (CASL) Form
    • Download and print the CASL Form (PDF).
    • Write your application ID on the top right corner of the form (i.e. FY24-FE-PRJ-12345, or FY24-AG-GCI-67890)
    • Take the form to a Notary Public, complete it there.
    • Snail mail a signed, original of the form to:

Mass Cultural Council
c/o Fiscal Team
10 Saint James, Ave, 3rd Fl.
Boston, MA 02116

  1. Mass Cultural Council will review all submitted forms carefully and contact you if clarification or adjustments are needed. An email confirmation will follow, indicating your state forms are complete and your standard contract is ready to sign.
  2. You will receive one DocuSign form from Mass Cultural Council’s DocuSign account containing the Standard Contract Form and attachments.
  3. Once Mass Cultural Council signs the Standard Contract Form, you will receive an email from the grants management system letting you know it has been executed. A PDF copy of the executed contract will be available in the grants management system to download for your records. The Contract Authorized Signatory will also receive a copy from DocuSign.

Payment Process

How do we receive our grant money?
To receive your money, you must complete Mass Cultural Council’s DocuSign process. Once we have received all the executed forms, we will disburse the full amount of your grant if the grant is under $7,000.

If your grant is $7,000 or greater, we will pay you 80% of the grant when we receive your contract package. The final 20% of your grant will be paid after you submit a final report.

When can I expect the final contract?
After Mass Cultural Council receives and reviews the executed CASL Form, W-9 Form, and EFT Form we will generate a Standard Contract Form. The individual or the organization signs the Standard Contract Form, and you will receive a final fully executed contract PDF through email. The Contract Authorized Signatory will also get a copy from DocuSign.

Is my grant award taxable?
Yes, the grant award is taxable income. You will receive a 1099 Form for your 2023 or 2024 taxes, dependent on the date of when you receive your grant award.

Federal W-9 Form

What is the W-9 Form?
The W-9 Form, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification, is an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) form used to obtain a person’s or organizations’ tax identification number (TIN).

Why am I being asked to fill out a W-9?
To receive a grant payment, we need your TIN to report the payment to the IRS and to issue you a 1099 Form.

Do I need to submit the W-9 to the IRS?
No. The W-9 Form is sent and returned to Mass Cultural Council not the IRS.

What should I put in the “Name” field?
This should be your legal name or the legal name of the entity. If you’re a sole proprietor, enter your individual name here. Your legal name should be on both the W9 and EFT forms.

What is the “Business name/disregarded entity name/DBA” field?
If your business has a name different from your own (like “John’s Flower Shop” instead of “John Clarke”), you’d put that here. Disregarded entities, like single-member LLCs, should also use this space.

Which “Federal tax classification” checkbox should I select?
Check the box that corresponds to your U.S. tax classification. For most individuals, this will be “Individual/sole proprietor or single-member LLC.”

What is the purpose of the “Exemptions” field?
Most people leave this blank. It’s for specific payees who are exempt from backup withholding or FATCA reporting.

Why are there two fields for my address (“Address” and “City, state, and ZIP code”)?
The “Address” field is for your street address. The “City, state, and ZIP code” is self-explanatory. If you receive mail at a different location, such as a P.O. Box, use the second address field.

What’s the difference between the “List account number(s)” field and the taxpayer identification number (TIN)?
Your TIN is your taxpayer ID (like an SSN or EIN). The “List account number(s)” field is optional and is only used if you have multiple account numbers with the requester and want to specify which one the form relates to.

What goes in the “Requester’s name and address” field?
This is where you’d put the name and address of the person or entity requesting the W-9 from you.

Why is there a “Social security number (SSN)” and an “Employer identification number (EIN)” field? Which one do I fill out?
Fill out the one that corresponds to your taxpayer ID. If you’re an individual, this will be your SSN. If you’re a business or entity, it will likely be your EIN.

What do I include under “DUNS”
The Mass Cultural Council grant does not require either a DUNS Number or a Unique Entity Identifier (SAM) number. You can skip both those sections on the W-9 Form.

What does the certification section mean?
When you sign the W-9, you’re certifying several things: that the TIN you provided is correct.

How will users be notified during the DocuSign process?
Notifications will be sent via email throughout the process. However, if a user has altered their DocuSign notification settings, they might need to log into their account to view envelopes.

Where can one find more information or seek assistance on using DocuSign?
To learn more: Using DocuSign for Combined W-9/EFT Form (PDF) and DocuSign FAQ. For DocuSign process questions, contact the CTR Solution Desk.

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Authorization Agreement

What is an EFT Authorization Agreement?
An EFT Authorization Agreement is a document that grants permission to Mass Cultural Council to perform electronic transfers of funds to a bank account.

What if the DocuSign email is sent to a person who is not an authorized signatory?
If the contact person for the grantee is not an authorized signatory, you have the option to assign the DocuSign envelope to someone else. When in the form, select other actions and then choose “Assign to Someone Else” and fill in the required information.

Can I opt into receiving a check instead of a transfer to my bank account?
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is the expected form of issuing Commonwealth payments. The Commonwealth’s policy is to pay its bills through Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).

What happens if I close my bank account?
If you close or change your bank account, it’s crucial to notify Mass Cultural Council as soon as possible. You will be asked to complete a new EFT Form with your updated banking information. Otherwise, we might attempt to make transfers to the closed account, which will lead to delays in your grant disbursement.

Does my legal name have to be the same on the W-9 and EFT forms?
Your legal name should be on both the W9 and EFT forms.

What should be submitted with the EFT Form for account confirmation?
Submit one of the following: a direct deposit letter from the bank, a direct deposit form previously given to an employer, or a voided check. Ensure it has the requisite information listed.

What is required for the bank letter?
A voided check or a bank letter is needed for grant fund disbursement. Consider getting a “Non-Federal Direct Deposit Enrollment Request Form” from your bank.

Is there a fee associated with the EFT transfers?
Typically, there is no fee for EFT transfers, but you should always check with your bank to ensure there are no hidden charges.

How will I know when an EFT transfer has been made?
You will receive an email from Mass Cultural Council.

What if I notice an unauthorized transaction?
Notify your bank or financial institution immediately. They typically have processes in place to investigate and rectify unauthorized transactions.

Do I need to have a certain type of bank account for EFTs?
Most standard savings and checking accounts support EFTs, but it’s a good idea to check with your bank to be sure.

Other Questions

What documents are required to process the contract with payment going to a Trust?

  • Copy of the Trust document confirming the trustee’s name, tax id number, and individual’s name the trust is to benefit.
  • Completed W9 reflecting the Trust name, address, and tax id#.
  • Bank letter confirming the trustee’s/Trust name, address, bank and routing number, and tax id#.
  • Ensure that all forms received correlate with each other.

How should a fiscal sponsor proceed with the contract package?
The fiscal sponsor should complete most of the forms, as funds are disbursed to them first. However, the Credit and Publicity Agreement should be filled out by your organization.

Is there a way to check if my payment has been processed?
Yes. Log in to the grants management system. Scroll to the “Application” section of your homepage and click on “Payments”.

If you need more detailed information about your payment, payment schedule information and payment history is available through the state’s web site. To access payment information, you’ll need to enter a vendor code, along with the last four digits of your social security number (for individuals) or tax identification number (for organizations):

  • Your vendor code is a state-assigned number. It can be found on page one of your contract under the heading “Vendor Code.” If this number is missing or incorrect, or you need additional help, please contact the Contracts Office. Please note that if you are a first-time grant recipient, this number has not been assigned yet.
  • On a later screen you will be asked for Mass Cultural Council’s three-letter state code, which is “ART”.
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