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photo of a colorful storefront on the corner of a town's main street. Along the side of the building is a mural of large, brightly colored geometric shapes.
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Resources for Municipalities

Mass Cultural Council – the state arts agency – is charged with bolstering the Commonwealth’s creative & cultural sector.

Our efforts:

  • Advance economic vitality
  • Support transformational change
  • Celebrate, preserve, and inspire creativity across all communities

The Agency pursues its mission through a wide range of grants, initiatives, and advocacy for artists, communities, organizations, and schools.

Our work intersects most directly with cities and towns through our Local Cultural Council Program and Cultural Districts Initiative. There are also a number of grant programs to which municipalities can apply.

Watch: Mass Municipal Association webinars

Local Cultural Council Program


Complete with your LCC

Rural Municipalities Toolkit

The Rural Municipalities Toolkit is a collection of accessible, supportive resources for cities and towns interested in bolstering their creative community and economic development.

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