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The Grant Cycle

Grant Cycle Timeline

A broad overview of Local Cultural Council business throughout the year.


  • LCCs conduct community input.
  • LCCs update their local priorities based on community input.
  • LCCs recruit new members. (Have at least five members appointed to the LCC.)
  • LCCs start making the following updates in the grants management system:
    • LCC contact information.
    • Whether the LCC will use a direct grant or reimbursement payment process.
    • Local guidelines and priorities.


  • LCCs update the content in their Council Profile – contact information, local guidelines and priorities, etc. – and Member list in the grants management system by August 31.
  • LCCs publicize the grant program locally.
  • Mass Cultural Council notifies LCCs of their allocation amounts.
  • Mass Cultural Council sends Municipal Fiscal Officers the LCC Account Form.
  • LCCs recruit new members. (Have at least five members appointed to the LCC.)
  • LCC members register and create accounts in the grants management system.


  • New grant cycle opens September 1. LCCs’ local guidelines and priorities are published to their Council Profile on Mass Cultural Council’s website.
  • LCCs meet with Municipal Fiscal Officer to determine grant amount for fiscal year no later than October 16.
  • LCCs hold grant workshops.
  • LCCs publicize the grant cycle.
  • Mass Cultural Council sends LCC contracts to Municipal Fiscal Officers.


  • Grant applications must be submitted through the online grants management system by the deadline, October 16 at 11:59pm (ET).
  • LCCs complete the Financial Report in the grants management system by October 16. This includes:
    • LCC Account Form
    • Calculating amount available for granting
  • LCCs generate their panel books in the grants management system and begin reviewing applications.
  • LCCs schedule voting meeting(s) to review applications and publicly post the meetings according to the Open Meeting Law.


  • LCCs conduct their grant cycle voting meetings.
  • LCCs use the grants management system to send disapproval notifications immediately following their voting meeting.
  • Mass Cultural Council receives reconsideration requests and notifies LCCs.
  • LCCs observe the 15-day reconsideration period.
  • LCCs Complete their Annual Report due by January 16.
  • A brief approval notification is sent through the online grants management system, but LCCs must send the detailed approval letter to grantees outside of the system.
  • Final reports from the previous fiscal year’s Council Program are due by January 16.
  • After the Annual Report is complete, LCCs publicize grant awards.
  • LCCs begin processing reimbursement or direct grant requests.


  • LCCs process reimbursement requests.
  • LCCs ensure grant recipients acknowledge Mass Cultural Council and LCC funding.
  • LCCs hold grant receptions and invite grantees, broader community, Mass Cultural Council program staff, and elected officials.
  • LCCs conduct community input.
  • LCCs update local guidelines and priorities based on community input.
  • LCCs present at their municipal’s annual meeting about the programs and individuals they have funded.


  • LCCs recruit new members as term limits approach.
  • LCCs attend grantee programs.

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