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Lowell Folk Festival

The Grant Cycle

Grant Cycle Timeline

A broad overview of Local Cultural Council business throughout the year.


  • LCCs process reimbursement and direct grant requests.
  • LCCs ensure grant recipients acknowledge Mass Cultural Council and LCC funding.
  • LCCs hold grant receptions and invite Mass Cultural Council program staff and elected officials.
  • LCCs conduct community engagement.
  • LCCs update their council priorities based on community engagement.
  • LCCs present at their municipal’s annual meeting about the programs and individuals they have funded.


  • LCCs hold grant receptions and invite Mass Cultural Council program staff and elected officials.
  • LCCs conduct community engagement.
  • LCCs update their council priorities based on community engagement.
  • LCCs recruit new members. (Have at least five members appointed to the LCC.)


  • LCCs update the content in their Council Profile – contact information, local guidelines, council priorities, etc. – in the grants management system by August 31.
  • LCCs decide whether to offer direct or reimbursement-based grants and mark that choice in the grants management system by August 31.
  • LCCs publicize the grant program locally.
  • LCCs recruit new members. (Have at least five members appointed to the LCC.)
  • Mass Cultural Council notifies LCCs of their allocation amounts.
  • Mass Cultural Council sends Municipal Fiscal Officers the LCC Account Form.
  • LCC members register and create accounts in the grants management system.


  • Application opens September 1 and LCCs’ local guidelines and priorities are published on Mass Cultural Council’s website.
  • LCCs meet with Municipal Fiscal Officer to determine grant amount for fiscal year no later than October 17.
  • LCCs hold grant workshops.
  • LCCs publicize the grant cycle.
  • LCCs make sure to have at least five members appointed to their respective councils.
  • Mass Cultural Council sends LCC contracts to Municipal Fiscal Officers.

October – December

  • Grant applications must be submitted through the online grants management system by the deadline, October 17 at 11:59pm (ET).
  • LCCs complete the Financial Report in the grants management system by October 17. This includes:
    • LCC Account Form
    • Calculating amount available for granting
  • LCCs generate their panel books in the grants management system and begin reviewing applications.
  • LCCs schedule voting meeting(s) to review applications and publicly post the meetings according to the Open Meeting Law.
  • LCCs conduct their grant cycle voting meetings.
  • LCCs send disapproval notifications immediately following voting meeting using the grants management system. (Denial letters must be sent by December 30 in order for the Grant Decision Report to be completed on time.)
  • LCCs handle any reconsideration requests. (Denied applicants may submit a reconsideration request within 15 days of receiving grant notification. Fifteen days must pass after sending denial notifications before sending out award letter.)
  • LCCs enter grant decisions and grant cycle voting meeting into the grants management system.


  • LCCs submit Grant Decision Report to Mass Cultural Council by January 15, 2025.
  • LCCs review their funding list on their Council Profile.
  • LCCs send approval notifications and publicize grant awards once annual reporting is completed.
  • Mass Cultural Council transfers funds to LCCs once annual reporting is completed and contract received from municipality.
  • Council Program final reports from prior fiscal year due January 15, 2025.
  • LCCs begin processing reimbursement requests or direct grants.


  • LCCs hold grant receptions and invite grantees, broader community, Mass Cultural Council program staff, and elected officials.
  • LCCs conduct community engagement.
  • LCCs update council priorities based on community input.
  • LCCs present the programs and individuals they have funded to the municipality.


  • LCCs process reimbursement requests.
  • LCCs ensure grant recipients properly credit and acknowledge Mass Cultural Council and LCC funding.
  • LCCs recruit new members as term limits approach.
  • LCCs attend grantee programs.

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