Beyond Grants
Connecting with LCCs
Most LCCs enjoy informally sharing ideas with other LCCs about what works and how to solve common problems. This happens at some of the regional and statewide events organized by Mass Cultural Council, but LCCs can plan a gathering among themselves at any time. Many share funding support of a single program and co-sponsorship of a regional activity. They may also have firsthand information about applicants or events with which your council is unfamiliar. This page discusses ways that LCCs can connect with one another.
LCC Community on Facebook
Join the LCC Community on Facebook for news, updates, to share ideas, and to learn what other LCCs are doing. You’ll also get to know your staff contacts and keep up with their travels. You may even find your town or LCC featured on our Facebook page if we come out to visit you.
Informal Gatherings
Hosting an informal get-together of LCCs in the area – perhaps those in a regional school district – is an easy way to talk about ways LCCs could share ideas and plan collaborations. Try an “information swap” to trade ideas. Topics might include record-keeping methods, evaluating grants, publicity, or recruiting LCC members. Do not assume that an LCC has nothing to offer to another LCC. There may be something that one LCC has always done that is a new and valuable idea for someone else.
Sometimes networking leads to permanent collaboration. Some LCCs form regional councils, others jointly sponsor workshops on topics such as publicity and grant writing. Still others regularly co-sponsor or block-book events and activities with schools, libraries, and cultural or community organizations.
To contact another LCC, visit their Council Profile or contact Mass Cultural Council staff.
Cities and towns can join forces in the establishment of regional council, and are encouraged to do so. If two or more towns wish to form a regional council, there must be at least one representative appointed from each community in the consortium. Regional consortia must also be approved by Mass Cultural Council.
In many cases the benefits of regionalization outweigh the drawbacks. Regional councils are especially effective in communities where the LCC is struggling to get members or carry out their LCC responsibilities, or where municipalities wish to collaborate occasionally on projects with regional impact. For the same investment of time to carry out the operations and administration of one LCC, several towns can benefit. For small communities this is especially valuable when the volunteer pool and available skills is stretched among the many needs of a small municipality.
Towns represented by a regional council benefit in several ways:
- A single municipality can participate with less than the five-member minimum required. For example, two municipalities can appoint three members each from their municipality, rather than the required five for a single LCC.
- Projects with regional impact can be developed and evaluated more easily. For example, a cultural enrichment project in a regional school or a festival involving several towns can be evaluated more thoroughly and efficiently by LCC members who represent the towns affected.
Some LCCs considering regionalization are hesitant for a few reasons. They are worried that their town will not receive the full dollar value of their state allocation and it will instead go to projects outside their community. Another common fear is that their concerns will be “swallowed up” or overshadowed by those of larger towns.
These fears are easily addressed by creating policies and agreements that protect individual town interests. For example, a policy can be made that all funds be spent in each municipality at the level spent prior to regionalization. Such issues should be discussed openly and resolved to everyone’s satisfaction.
Creating a regional council will require the approval of each local government involved (select board, city council, mayor, etc.), as well as Mass Cultural Council.
If an LCC is interested in regionalization, they may invite a Mass Cultural Council staff contact to discuss the pros and cons of regionalization.