Please share your perspective on our new direction: Complete a survey by July 12, 2023.
Senate Committee on Ways & Means embraces Mass Cultural Council’s FY24 funding request
Marking the one-year anniversary of Michael J. Bobbitt as Executive Director
The Mass Cultural Council released a spending plan for the new fiscal year that will invest more than $16.5 million in a range of grant programs, services, and initiatives to support the arts, humanities, and sciences in communities across Massachusetts.
Inside an unassuming Victorian-era building, just west of downtown Holyoke, is one of the nation’s most distinctive creative community development initiatives: The Care Center. It is an example of what can happen when culture and creativity form the foundation to dismantle systemic barriers for individuals, as well as communities.
This is the first step in the annual budget-building process.
A monthly round-up of grants, technical assistance resources, and opportunities for creative and cultural organizations
The Mass Cultural Council today announced finalists for the 2019 Commonwealth Awards, which honor exceptional achievement in the arts, humanities, and sciences.
Culture Chat
A total of $970,000 is expected to be awarded.
Info Session | Universal Participation
We conducted a series of 13 regional meetings across the state this summer as a follow up to the Mass Cultural Council Institute held in March 2018. The meetings gave us an opportunity to convene cities and towns by region to talk about our new strategic plan and Power of Culture messaging platform.
The Mass Cultural Council released a spending plan for the new fiscal year that will invest more than $14 million in a range of grant programs, services, and initiatives to support the arts, humanities, and sciences in communities across Massachusetts.
Strategic Plan for fiscal years 2018 - 2022
Culture Chat
Thank you to the Massachusetts House of Representatives for their continued support!
Training | Universal Participation
Training | Universal Participation
Training | Universal Participation
Training | CultureRx