Register for virtual workshops on Leadership, Financial Management, and Advocacy.
Register for virtual workshops on Legal Issues for Arts Administrators, Leadership, and Financial Management.
Register for virtual workshops on Human Resources, Trauma and Arts-Centered Healing, and Leadership and Financial Management
Register for virtual workshops on Human Resources, Legal Issues for Arts Administrators, Leadership Management, Financial Management
With the help of our Festivals Audience Lab cohort and ArtsBoston, we've developed an online resource for festival and event producers.
Register for virtual workshops on Board and Governance, Human Resources, and Legal Issues for Arts Administrators
42 webinars and countless hours of one-on-one consulting are on offer to help the cultural sector recover from COVID-19.
Mass Cultural Council seeks content experts to assist nonprofit organizations responding to the unique challenges of operating and programming during the COVID-19 crisis.
Achieving safe harbor during the current COVID-19 pandemic includes making decisions based on budgets and scenarios to determine a strategy for the organization’s future.
Achieving safe harbor during the current COVID-19 pandemic includes creating several ‘what if’ scenarios and budgets.
Achieving safe harbor during the current COVID-19 pandemic includes understanding how cash moves in and out of your organization week by week.
A board member’s greatest responsibility is for the financial health of the organization.
The question: How do we use Mass Cultural Council’s social capital to assist the field’s human capital in increasing organizations’ intellectual capital to help leaders build sustainable financial capital?
Organizations funded through Mass Cultural Council’s Cultural Investment Portfolio have been participating in the DataArts platform for about a decade. DataArts has used that information to provide data-informed insights and resources to the arts and cultural sector – for grantmakers, researchers, and individual organizations.
Four approaches small cultural nonprofits use to break out of a scarcity mentality and deliver a strong case for support.
Organizational support. The term is synonymous with those hard-to-find, but never enough, unrestricted operating funds. Funds that help the organization deliver on its mission by paying salaries, rent, the electric bill, and the all-important toilet paper order.