CYD orgs identified staffing, mental health, and a need for consistent networking as primary challenges
STARS Residencies will be funded in 274 schools across the Commonwealth and reach more than 30,000 students.
We want to hear from you! Please complete Mass Cultural Council's stakeholder survey.
New this year: Schools, teaching artists/scientists/humanists, and nonprofit organizations can apply directly for STARS funding
The work of Rajaiah Jones and the Alumni Council shows the creativity and innovation they injected into our work as grantmakers
Bendu Davis shares their experience with building connections with CYD youth and alumni
STARS Residencies offer space for students to explore and create
Youth leaders created a zine to document their six-month term
Congratulations to Ava Beringer from Masconomet Regional High School
Mass Cultural Council is working in partnership with The Klarman Family Foundation, Linde Family Foundation, New England Conservatory, and 70 teaching artists to bridge the gap in pre-professional teacher training and the reality of community-based work.
During the first year of the pandemic, CYD groups throughout Massachusetts pivoted their operations rapidly to maintain and deepen connections with young people.
This year we were able to fund all eligible STARS Residencies thanks to a record-level of investment by the state Legislature in our FY22 budget.
Working with young people to be creative forces for positive change in their own lives and in their communities.
FY22 spending plan adopted by governing Council
Schools can apply for $700-$5,500 to support residencies that bring students and teachers together with practicing artists, scientists, and scholars.
Schools and teaching artists/humanists/scientists remain dedicated to creative learning, even during this most challenging school year.
7,229 students, 215 teachers, 40 schools, and 1 cultural organization participated in Poetry Out Loud Massachusetts in 2021.
Mass Cultural Council is partnering with EdVestors to extend support to youth arts organizations
Mass Cultural Council is enlisting these artists to help us better infuse youth voice into the work of systemic, social change in Massachusetts.
Support for creative learning residencies of three days or more in the arts, sciences, and humanities.