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Detail of a mural at RAW Art Works
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Through our podcast we showcase examples of innovation and leadership in our sector, and provide a space for folks working in the arts and culture realm to hear about what’s happening “under the hood” in organizations and communities across the Commonwealth.

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Detail of an artist's workstation

The best advice I’ve ever been given came in a very small package: a sentence of only two words, no adornment in the form of adjectives, adverbs, clauses or prepositions. A tiny sentence containing a philosophy, a framework and a call to action.

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STARS Residency at Fayerweather Street School.

Curriculum frameworks are the foundational architecture for teaching and learning in K-12 education. Without frameworks, schools struggle to set learning standards and effective ways to track student growth and achievement. Subjects lacking strong frameworks are often marginalized or ignored.

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Steven M. Rothstein, Executive Director of the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation, with Anita Walker in the Legacy Room of the JFK Museum.

Today we are celebrating a new budget. This is the Commonwealth’s investment, through the Mass Cultural Council, in innovation, inclusion, public service, global citizenship, and the arts. We are over the moon with joy that our elected leaders saw fit to substantially increase the financial resources available for this work by $2 million to a total of $18 million.

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Massachusetts State House

Backed by a statewide grassroots advocacy campaign led by MASSCreative, Senators voted overwhelmingly to back amendments to boost funding for the arts, humanities, and sciences to $18 million for FY20 and assure Mass Cultural Council’s community-based partnerships and services continue.

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Massachusetts State House

We have a unique opportunity to increase state support for culture and ensure Mass Cultural Council continues its work in partnership with communities across the Commonwealth. Sen. Ed Kennedy of Lowell, Co-Chair of the Joint Committee on Tourism, Arts, and Cultural Development, has filed amendments to the Senate Ways and Means budget for the coming fiscal year that would accomplish two key goals...

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Notre-Dame. Royalty free image.

It is both riveting and heartbreaking. Unbelievable. It survived 800 years, revolution, war, neglect. Yet, the live images don’t lie. Notre-Dame is in flames. The spire, a silhouette in orange glow, collapses before our eyes. The world feels the loss. An icon, that attracted 13 million visitors a year, has suffered catastrophic damage. It can be will be rebuilt...but the layers of history cannot be recovered.

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