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Online Meeting | Grants for Creative Individuals
Looking back and acknowledging how far this work in communities has come
We’ve seen how creative expression lifts young people beyond poverty, disability, and other societal barriers here in Massachusetts and across the nation. Today the movement for creative youth transcends national borders. Earlier this month, our neighbors to the south shared some of their insights on the transformative power of the arts in the lives young people at a Harvard University panel discussion.
1,084 cultural organizations report $781M in lost revenue, 3,048 creative individuals cite $31.9M in lost income
A monthly round-up of grants, technical assistance resources, and opportunities for creative and cultural organizations
A look at the Traditional Arts Apprenticeship of Qianshen Bai and Mei Hung
Mass Cultural Council’s Universal Participation (UP) Award celebrates excellence in access and inclusion throughout the Commonwealth’s cultural sector.
Online Meeting | Cultural Districts
Info Session | Grants for Creative Individuals
The Year Behind, The Path Ahead
Online Meeting
Info Session | Grants for Creative Individuals
What We Want for Culture in Massachusetts
Online Meeting
The role of the board, recruitment and retainment, and motivating members.