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Young man working in RAW Art Works studio

Boston Youth Arts Evaluation Project (BYAEP) developed a framework and tools to measure the three main outcome areas which are characteristic of arts-based youth development programs.

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Youth performing traditional dance at México’s Veracruz Institute of Culture.

We’ve seen how creative expression lifts young people beyond poverty, disability, and other societal barriers here in Massachusetts and across the nation. Today the movement for creative youth transcends national borders. Earlier this month, our neighbors to the south shared some of their insights on the transformative power of the arts in the lives young people at a Harvard University panel discussion.

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Exterior of the Fitchburg Art Museum

Frequently asked questions about the Massachusetts Cultural Facilities Fund

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We believe in the power of culture. We work to elevate our rich cultural life in Massachusetts. We partner with communities across the Commonwealth to expand access, improve education, promote diversity, and encourage excellence in the arts, humanities, and sciences. Through our efforts, we make our state a better place to live, work, and visit for everyone.

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Young man working in RAW Art Works studio

Boston Youth Arts Evaluation Project (BYAEP) developed a framework and tools to measure the three main outcome areas which are characteristic of arts-based youth development programs.

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