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Found 517 results for "card to culture."

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photo of 7 singers and musicians seated on a stage performing, the lighting is dim and dramatic

Grants to Massachusetts nonprofit and municipal performing arts centers to spend on touring shows or touring artist fees

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Backstage tour of Boston Ballet's Nutcracker. Image: Liza Voll Photography

A growing network of organizations that fully embrace accessibility systems and ideals, part of the Universal Participation Initiative.

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Boston Early Music Festival

Two-year operating support grants, designed to be the entry, or gateway, into the Cultural Investment Portfolio.

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Young man working in RAW Art Works studio

Boston Youth Arts Evaluation Project (BYAEP) developed a framework and tools to measure the three main outcome areas which are characteristic of arts-based youth development programs.

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Young man working in RAW Art Works studio

Boston Youth Arts Evaluation Project (BYAEP) developed a framework and tools to measure the three main outcome areas which are characteristic of arts-based youth development programs.

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Mass Cultural Council staff developing the next generation of programs and services for cultural organizations

Organizational support. The term is synonymous with those hard-to-find, but never enough, unrestricted operating funds. Funds that help the organization deliver on its mission by paying salaries, rent, the electric bill, and the all-important toilet paper order.

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Chris Pereji playing tabla drums with apprentice Nisha Purushotham. Photo by Maggie Holtzberg.

Apprenticeships to support the teaching of traditional arts that are specific to a particular folk group or ethnic community.

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Chris Pereji playing tabla drums with apprentice Nisha Purushotham. Photo by Maggie Holtzberg.

Apprenticeships to support the teaching of traditional arts that are specific to a particular folk group or ethnic community.

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Youth performing traditional dance at México’s Veracruz Institute of Culture.

We’ve seen how creative expression lifts young people beyond poverty, disability, and other societal barriers here in Massachusetts and across the nation. Today the movement for creative youth transcends national borders. Earlier this month, our neighbors to the south shared some of their insights on the transformative power of the arts in the lives young people at a Harvard University panel discussion.

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