Mass Cultural Council moderated a panel focused on the work small businesses are doing in the state’s most creative communities
Cultural District managers are playing key roles in COVID-19 relief and recovery efforts statewide.
The governing board of the Mass Cultural Council has approved the Fall River Waterfront Cultural District. This state designation will help stimulate new arts and cultural activity and attract creative businesses for the City.
During this challenging time, Cultural District managers are looking to not only provide technical services to individual artists, cultural organizations, and small businesses. They are also coordinating local efforts to continue providing cultural experiences to their communities.
The Communities Team shared the power of culture and news of CultureRx with fellow state employees, elected officials, and policy-makers at Mass Municipal Association’s Annual Meeting & Trade Show.
The weather on the Cape and Islands may be getting crispier than a bag of Cape Cod Chips but the arts and cultural happenings continue to heat up.
Join us on November 30 for events in Cultural Districts across the state as part of Fair Saturday, a global cultural movement with a social impact.
Some 70 people from 35 of the Commonwealth’s 48 Cultural Districts came together in Worcester earlier this month to learn from each other and take away best practices and new connections.
When an incoming mayor wants to make a visit to City Hall a much more accessible and engaging experience for the populace, who can they turn to? In Lynn, Mayor Thomas McGee turned to the Downtown Lynn Cultural District.
Through our Community Initiative, Mass Cultural Council works to support all 351 cities and towns in the Commonwealth. Over the last two years, our Cultural Compact pilot program supported a new and innovative approach to elevating arts and culture in communities.
Thanks to all who joined our 13 regional meetings across the state last summer, giving us an opportunity to talk about our strategic plan and Power of Culture messaging platform. Did you know that we’ve also created a messaging platform to help you make a compelling case for arts and culture in your community?
Watch Hyannis HyArts Cultural District's Melissa Hersh discuss their new Main Street informational kiosks at Mass Cultural Council's Cultural District Convening last month.
We conducted a series of 13 regional meetings across the state this summer as a follow up to the Mass Cultural Council Institute held in March 2018. The meetings gave us an opportunity to convene cities and towns by region to talk about our new strategic plan and Power of Culture messaging platform.