Power of Culture Blog
Ensuring Accessibility to the Cultural Facilities Fund
Technical change to the statute seeks to ensure CFF can invest in the state of good repair of all eligible municipal, nonprofit, and tribal cultural facilities
Dawn Heinen, Digital Communications Manager
The Gaming Mitigation Program, established by MGL Section 59 chapter 23K, aims to mitigate a direct threat to the sustainability of nonprofit performing arts centers in Massachusetts by providing capital to preserve their ability to compete in a new, unbalanced marketplace. This is important because performing arts centers:
Mass Cultural Council is ready to launch the program, however we are waiting for the release of the funds. Once it is clear when and how the funds will be released, we will open the application and set the deadline. Please review the guidelines online. If you believe you may be eligible for the program, you can take an eligibility quiz and submit an intent to apply. After doing so, you will receive email notifications about the program. If you have any questions, you can contact your Cultural Investment Portfolio staff contact or Jen Lawless.