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Young man working in RAW Art Works studio

Boston Youth Arts Evaluation Project


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Philosophical Base

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Logic Models and Measurement Tools

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Yohalem, N. & Wilson-Ahlstrom, A. (2009). Measuring youth program quality: A guide to assessment tools (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: The Forum For Youth Investment.


Important Websites

Arts Assessment Toolbox: A Learning Space for Arts Educators: A resource for improving assessment of student learning in the arts. This website was developed by Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education and provides assessment philosophies, methodologies, case studies, and a wide-range of assessments.

Creating Quality. This website provides tools and resources to assess quality and improve programs in school, after-school, and in summer-time programming.

Edward Tufte has an interesting website that has well-designed examples for designing visualizations of data –

Harris, E. (2011). Afterschool evaluation 101: How to evaluate an expanded learning program.

Harvard Family Research Project. Evaluation has been a core focus of HFRP’s work since they began in 1983. This site provides a wealth of resources and many useful publications in the Evaluation Exchange.

KIDS COUNT Data Book profiles the status of children on a national and state-by-state basis and ranks states on 10 measures of wellbeing.

Mass Cultural Council YouthReach website.

Periodic Table of Visual Elements on the Visual Literacy website provides a wide range of visualizations of data found on the web and has great examples of what can be done with data.

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