Media sponsorships are part of our long-term effort to leverage our unique position as Massachusetts’ largest public investor in arts and culture to raise the visibility and impact of our sector.
Last week the governing Council of the Mass Cultural Council closed its business meeting in a very special way: honoring Executive Director Anita Walker with a surprise, virtual celebration of her 13 years at the Agency’s helm.
Agency to award $26.7M in grants to bolster the Commonwealth’s creative and cultural sector
A monthly round-up of grants, technical assistance resources, and opportunities for creative and cultural organizations
There are now 55 state-designated cultural districts across the Commonwealth
A quarterly report on our anti-racism work
A monthly round-up of grants, technical assistance resources, and opportunities for creative and cultural organizations
A monthly round-up of grants, technical assistance resources, and opportunities for creative and cultural organizations
This legislatively-mandated, one-time relief program was established by the MA House Asian Caucus
This represents the highest level of funding proposed for the Agency, and by extension, the cultural sector, by the state in decades.
This program offers unrestricted, $5,000 grants to artists, culture bearers, and creative practitioners
Thanks to all who joined our 13 regional meetings across the state last summer, giving us an opportunity to talk about our strategic plan and Power of Culture messaging platform. Did you know that we’ve also created a messaging platform to help you make a compelling case for arts and culture in your community?
Community organizer Erin Genia reflects on her artistic practice and working in civic spaces
Information for starting and managing a fundraising project
A standing list of links showcasing some of the funding, services, and resources available to support the dynamic work of creative and cultural organizations
David T. Slatery reflects on his tenure as Acting Executive Director.
A regular update on our equity work
Resources for cities and towns, including administering the Local Cultural Council Program, and a Rural Municipalities Toolkit
Tips for embracing inclusive recruitment and hiring practices
It has been my greatest honor to have worked alongside all of you for the past 13 years.