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Women holds toddler up to a wall of colorful gears at the Discovery Museum in Acton.

Interagency partnerships to increase access to cultural experiences for all Massachusetts residents

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Last week, Mass Cultural Council officially launched the CultureRx Initiative with a well-attended public briefing for legislators, staff, and cultural partners at the Massachusetts State House.

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We're launching a special new series on Zoom called "Culture Chats," where we highlight the power of culture through resilience, adaptation, agility, and innovation.

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Parisols by Amplify grantee Rachel of Express Yourself

We are on the front lines of a war on poverty. Not necessarily a shortage of material wealth, although its distribution in America is both a consequence and contributor to the current distress. The poverty our field confronts every day is that which Robert Kennedy confronted while running for President in 1968. He contrasted the wealth represented in the nation’s gross national product with the wealth necessary to sustain a democracy and make life worth living.

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