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As the state re-opens and recovery from COVID-19 continues, Regional Tourism Councils will be a key partner in getting the creative economy back on its feet.

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Three disabled and non-disabled dancers perform on a white outdoor stage, which opens up to a majestic background of trees, rolling hills and sky. In energetic unison, the three dancers curl into a ball, with lower limbs raised and upper limbs wrapped protectively around their heads. David and Zara balance on their tailbones, and Janpi balances in a one-handed wheelie in their wheelchair. All three dancers wear royal blue knit cropped shirts and matching pants.

Unrestricted general operating grants for Massachusetts-based, nonprofit cultural organizations with year-round operations offering public programming in the arts, humanities, or sciences. Grant amounts start at $6,000.

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four musicians playing on the steps of a stone building, a line of spectators fills the sidewalk in from of them

A standing list of links showcasing some of the funding, services, and resources available to support the dynamic work of creative and cultural organizations

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Anita Walker speaking at MASSCreative's Arts Advocacy Day

Executive Director Anita Walker's remarks at MASSCreative’s 2019 Arts Advocacy Day: I just read about a new book that contends “the bright side has been denied the attention it deserves.” That’s not because there isn’t plenty of bright side. I’m looking at it…all of you...filling this hall. ...

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Community Parade in Somerville

Mass Cultural Council seeks to enhance cultural vitality in cities and towns across the Commonwealth through community-based grants and advocacy. Working with a broad range of cultural communities across the Commonwealth, we celebrate traditions and talents, champion the sector’s collective needs, and equitably invest public resources. From our unique network of 329 Local Cultural Councils to state-designated Cultural Districts and other grant programs and initiatives, we are working to enrich communities through culture and creativity. What we do Mass Cultural Council’s Community Initiative is an effort to unleash the power of culture in cities and towns across the Commonwealth. Our investments help ...

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Massachusetts State House

We have a unique opportunity to increase state support for culture and ensure Mass Cultural Council continues its work in partnership with communities across the Commonwealth. Sen. Ed Kennedy of Lowell, Co-Chair of the Joint Committee on Tourism, Arts, and Cultural Development, has filed amendments to the Senate Ways and Means budget for the coming fiscal year that would accomplish two key goals...

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