Register for a panel on the Reimagining of Philanthropy's Commitment to Racial Equity
Including a launch of a re-application process for current grantees and an introduction of Equity Impact Points
A quarterly report on our anti-racism work
A quarterly report on our anti-racism work
These engagement enthusiasts are helping us forge new relationships with BIPOC constituents.
Working closely with our Executive Director, this new team will work - internally and externally - to advance the Agency's equity, access, and inclusion goals.
Our three-year plan outlines internal and external steps we will take to support and encourage an anti-racist cultural sector in the Commonwealth.
A personal testimonial from the Executive Director
Mass Cultural Council featured in national report on equity strategies
This year's radio spots featured cultural organizations dedicated to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
A summary of what we heard at our Fall listening sessions
LCCs are exploring what the growing energy around social justice, racial equity, and accessibility means for them and their communities.
As the pandemic continues, an Access response to technology and virtual programming is emerging.
Recent events have fomented a growing movement for racial equity and justice. Mass Cultural Council is taking this moment in time to embark on a restart and refocus of our work as it relates to racial equity, and we want to hear from you.
A step towards addressing pay gaps and inequity in the cultural sector.
The governing Council of the Mass Cultural Council voted unanimously to approve a Resolution put forth to recommit to the Agency’s strategic pillar focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Let’s take action to dismantle systemic racism and the legacy of white privilege.
As part of our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Plan, we've created a new process for broadening our pool of panelists.
Culture is intrinsically valuable and unique in its ability to lift the human spirit. Cultural diversity is as necessary for humankind as biodiversity is for nature. Mass Cultural Council must be a leader in making Massachusetts a place of diversity, equity, and inclusion.