Power of Culture Blog
Making the Case: Advancing Massachusetts from STEM to STEAM
The Agency has filed bill HD2132 for consideration by the Massachusetts Legislature during their 2025-2026 session
Erik Holmgren, Program Manager
Throughout the summer, Mass Cultural Council hosted weekly, national calls for the Creative Youth Development (CYD) field. Major themes that surfaced in those calls included the issues of equity and funding.
In response to what we were hearing, we focused three national calls on equity in the funding of CYD work, and held another call with our CYD funding colleagues from across the country.
Each of these conversations was an opportunity for the CYD field to discuss and communicate their experiences with funders and identify areas where the field felt they could use more support from the funding community. The important takeaway was the idea that our work as funders would be more effective if we worked together with the field as collaborators, offering thought partnership and finding ways to innovate practice. We’ve compiled our findings from these conversations into a report on Equity in CYD Funding.