Power of Culture Blog
Ensuring Accessibility to the Cultural Facilities Fund
Technical change to the statute seeks to ensure CFF can invest in the state of good repair of all eligible municipal, nonprofit, and tribal cultural facilities
Miranda Cook, Program Officer
The 2024 Annual Report for the Cultural Facilities Fund (CFF) is now available, reflecting on this past year of investments in the physical infrastructure of Massachusetts’ creative sector.
CFF awarded 116 grants in Fiscal Year 2024 to nonprofit cultural organizations, colleges, and municipalities that own or operate cultural spaces. In total $9.3 million was granted to support planning, construction, renovation, acquisition, and deferred maintenance projects.
Grant recipients span all regions of the state, and include organizations like theater groups, historic house museums, libraries, horticultural societies, tribal and municipal governments, and many others.
“The Cultural Facilities Fund has provided our organization the opportunity to begin the construction of our nature and cultural education center and show our community what our long-term vision is,” said Aimee S. Gelinas, Director of the Tamarack Hollow Nature and Cultural Center in Windsor in Berkshire County.
CFF, which has been running since 2006, received a record number of applications in 2024. The new high was consistent with the steady increase in grant applications agency-wide over the past three years.
New guidelines changes were implemented last year – such as wait periods for grant recipients to reapply – to more equitably distribute funds across the Commonwealth. In FY24, 34 organizations received Cultural Facilities Fund grants for the first time.
“The Cultural Facilities Fund grant gave us, a new 501(c)3 nonprofit, the ability to take the first steps in bringing a new cultural educational facility to a region in need of access to education through play,” said Meghann Hagen, Executive Director of the Children’s Museum of Franklin.
Take a look at the 2024 Annual Report to view the full project list and learn more about CFF’s impact. This grant program, typically funded through the Commonwealth’s Capital Spending Plan, is jointly administered by two state agencies: Mass Cultural Council and MassDevelopment.
Download the 2024 Cultural Facilities Fund Annual Report