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New Tribal Cultural Council Program Launches

Jen Lawless, Senior Director of Program Operations

Guided by the success of the Local Cultural Council Program

Photo detail of a pair of hands weaving many strands of white, red, yellow, and black into a traditional twined sash.
Aquinnah-based artist, NaDaizja Bolling making a traditional twined sash. Her work focuses on reclaiming traditional Wampanoag functional art forms and skills. Photo: Lauren Miller.

Mass Cultural Council is excited to share that we have recently launched the Tribal Cultural Council (TCC) Program. As part of our equity work in 2024, the Agency worked with Erin Genia, a task force of Native American and Indigenous leaders, and the Massachusetts Commission on Indian Affairs to create a regranting program equivalent to the Local Cultural Council (LCC) Program for Tribal governments, in recognition of their inherent Tribal sovereignty and right to self-determination.

This new program was inspired by the long, successful history of local autonomy and community driven decisions that are cornerstones of the LCC Program. It was also shaped by our Racial Equity Plan as well as the recent Native American & Indigenous Peoples Equity Plan.

How are the programs the same?

  • Government appointed members
  • Local autonomy – LCCs and TCCs can develop local guidelines and priorities
  • Grants are made to projects that provide community benefit
  • Applications are submitted through Mass Cultural Council’s grants management system

How are the programs different?

  • The TCC Program is not subject to Mass General Law Chapter 10, Section 58 or other laws governing LCCs (i.e. Public Records, Conflict of Interest, Open Meeting Laws), which has allowed for some flexibility in program administration.
  • In this first year, each TCC will likely have different application deadlines.

TCC Program guidelines are online for your reference.

The Tribal Cultural Council Program is meant to enhance the funding that Local Cultural Councils provide to the Native American and Indigenous communities across the Commonwealth. It is not meant to be the sole source of funding. Our hope is that LCCs will continue to support Native American and Indigenous projects and programs that provide benefit to the LCCs’ own communities. Just like the LCC Program, applicants can apply to any LCC and/or TCC to which they can demonstrate public/community benefit.

One Tribal Cultural Council has already launched their inaugural grant cycle, and we expect additional TCCs to come online this winter. A warm welcome to the Herring Pond Wampanoag Tribal Cultural Council!

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