Detail of embroidered attarah saying, "Hear our voices" on tallit by Amy Lassman.
Detail of embroidered attarah saying, “Hear our voices” on tallit by Amy Lassman.

I first met Amy Lassman in November 2017 at a craft fair held at the Hyde Center in Newton Highlands. The artistic craftsmanship and depth of meaning in her work stood out from the rows of vendors offering beaded jewelry, crocheted blankets, and felted critters. Amy’s table displayed a combination of Judaica (Jewish ceremonial art) including tallises (prayer shawls), yarmulkes and kippot (head coverings), coverings for challah (braided bread), and afikomen bags used to hold matzoh during the Passover Seder, as well as secular handbags and scarves. It was only when I visited with Amy at her Needham home and studio that I learned she recently decided to focus strictly on the Judaica.