Westminster Cultural Council
The Westminster Cultural Council is a community group committed to providing a broad range of cultural programs to the residents of our town. Support for the arts is evidenced here by the annual allocation of town funds that enhances our state funding. For many years we have supported programs in our schools, town library and senior center in addition to town-wide music and art events. Our audience ranges from preschoolers to senior citizens, and participation has been strong and enthusiastic.
Sammi Dawley
11 South Street
Westminster, MA 01473-1534
Application Information
FY25 Allocation
FY25 Local Priorities
Council Priorities
Get more information about council priorities from our local guidelines document.
The Westminster Cultural Council receives public funding to provide grants for the people of Westminster. Funding to support the arts, humanities, interpretive sciences, visual arts, performing arts, and historians. We also support community, business and civic groups, social service organizations, schools, youth and senior associations.
FY25 Local Guidelines
Council Guidelines
Can this project be completed without full funding? If so how would it be presented, complete budget information. Must be date stamped no later than . Remember refreshments not covered and local contact must be included with application.
Please note new local guidelines added for FY25:
1. The applicant’s program must benefit the citizens of Westminster. Applicants may consult the results of our 2024 Needs Survey, where residents indicated the kinds of programs that they would attend.
2. Each applicant must apply online at https://massculturalcouncil.smartsimple.com/
3. If the grant application is for an event that services people from Westminster and other communities, those other communities’ Cultural Council should also be solicited for funds.
4. The goal of the Westminster Cultural Council is to fund diverse programs for a variety of audiences/participants.
5. We encourage the applicant to seek and include on the application matching funds.
6. We will accept applications for cultural field trips for children pre-K through 12th grade by subsidizing the cost of ticket prices. Transportation for field trips may be eligible.
7.The window of eligibility for grant reimbursement/acceptance will be the calendar year following the grant deadline of Oct. 16th. Projects must be completed between Jan 1 and Dec. 31.
How Grant Recipients Are Paid
Reimbursement Grants
FY25 Funding List
Name | Project Title | Amount |
Bates III, Davis R. | A Celtic Celebration: A Performance for Seniors | $475 | Crocker Pond Recreation Committee | Crocker Pond - Literature, Science and Nature | $1,200 | Discovery Museum, Inc. | Open Door Connections | $400 | Dworkin, Motoko | In Ghostly Japan: Spooky Tales for Adults | $650 | Edgecomb, Diane | “Game Time!” a performance for Summer Reading | $525 | Fitchburg Art Museum, Inc. | 89th Regional Exhibition of Art & Craft | $400 | Forbush Memorial Library | Music At The Blissful summer concert | $430 | Forbush Memorial Library | Zentangle Workshops | $615 | Forbush Memorial Library | 2025 Great Decisions Seminar | $842 | Harcovitz, Ruth | The Sound of Music in Songs and Stories | $600 | Hurlbut, Steven M. | Jumpin' Juba Senior Concert | $380 | Ishutkina, Tatyana | Program "Let's Build a Roof over the World": "Picture as a Storyteller" art workshop for children | $985 | Kirouac, Daniel | Folk-rock program for library | $500 | Oakmont Regional High School | Oakmont Invitational | $1,250 | Urquhart, Doug | Arizona Doug's Music-through-the-Decades | $300 | West, Emily | Bilingual Story Time for Children | $798 | Westminster Agricultural Commission | Westminster Farmers' Market Entertainment | $2,000 | Westminster Elementary School | Growth Mindset "The Power of Yet" | $2,000 | Westminster Town Band | Westminster Town Band Concert Series | $500 |