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Westford Cultural Council

The Westford Cultural Council is a town committee of volunteers appointed by the Select Board of the Town of Westford.

Westford Cultural Council promotes the availability of cultural experiences in Westford through the grant awarded by Mass Cultural Council annually.

Organizations, schools, and individuals may apply for grants that support arts, humanities, and science programs in the community. These grants can be used support a variety of projects and activities within Westford – including exhibits, festivals, field trips, short-term artist residencies, or performances in schools, workshops, and lectures.

The Westford Cultural Council’s mission is to enhance the quality of life in the Westford community by supporting arts, humanities, and sciences programs held in Westford, and by Westford artists, arts organizations, schools, and community organizations.


In order to apply for an LCC grant, applicants must meet all eligibility and criteria requirements of the LCC Program. Please refer to the documents below:

The council has used community input from Westford residents to inform its funding priorities for grant applications. Please see Council Priorities section below to view a list of funding priorities for the council.

All applications must be made online. No paper applications will be accepted. Supporting materials or documents as listed below must be included with your online application. Applications missing these documents may not be considered:

  • Venue location (required)
  • Date of event or project (required)
  • Local sponsor (recommended)

The council recommends that applicants consolidate:

  • same events held at multiple venues, or
  • multiple similar events held at the same venue.

Failure to consolidate such events into one application may result in denial.

Applications will be available starting September 1, 2024. To apply to Westford Cultural Council, please click on Apply Now button below. Application deadline is October 16, 2024

There will be an optional presentation meeting in December (Date TBD) for the grant applicants to make presentations to the council members. Email for meeting information.

Level of Support: The Council does not fully fund any programs. To demonstrate that your program is not dependent solely on Westford funding, you must specify other sources of financial support in the budget section of the application.

Note: Grants are made on a reimbursement basis only.

For a list of grants awarded last year, please see the list below.


Vidya Raman

Town Hall
55 Main Street
Westford, MA 01886-2597

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Application Information

FY25 Allocation


FY25 Local Priorities

-Communitywide gatherings like Festivals, Concerts, Plays, etc.
-Arts & Music Education in/outside schools
-Nature, Science & Environmental Education projects
-Projects/Events celebrating local cultural diversity

FY25 Local Guidelines

Information not provided

How Grant Recipients Are Paid

Reimbursement Grants

FY25 Funding List

A grant list will be published here after January 17, 2025 and once the Local Cultural Council has finalized their decisions.

Review Complete LCC Program Guidelines

Mass Cultural Council publishes updates daily. Last update was made on December 21, 2024 at 04:16 PM UTC
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