Upton Cultural Council
The Upton Cultural Council is a committee that brings arts, sciences and humanities to our town and local area of approximately 8,000 individuals. We pursue this mission through a combination of grant programs, partnerships and services for nonprofit cultural organizations, schools, communities and individual artists.
Jennifer Conrad
1 Main St
Upton, MA 01568-1686
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Application Information
FY25 Allocation
FY25 Local Priorities
Upton Cultural Council
This year, the UCC will prioritize:
-Applicants who have secured a local venue or can conduct virtual presentations.
-Projects that promote the access to and appreciation of the arts, humanities, and interpretive sciences in the town of Upton.
-Projects that address the diverse cultural needs of local underserved populations or support diverse forms of local cultural activities.
-Projects that embrace a disability-friendly environment and which emphasize inclusion and accessibility.
In addition to the state criteria, applications will be evaluated using the following review criteria:
-How well the program meets our local priorities.
-Community support and involvement.
-Evidence of positive track record and dedication of the applicant.
-Demonstrated planning.
-The council encourages organizations to seek additional funding for their programs and projects.
-New applications and innovative proposals are encouraged.
-Council funds will not substitute or replace existing publicly funded programs.
-Applicants will not be discriminated against based on race, sex, religion, creed, color, national origin, disability or age.
-The UCC will retain up to 20% of the state allocation for the council to schedule and host our own programs, which meet the priorities described above that are not already being met by other approved grant programs.
Application forms and more information about the Local Cultural Council Program are available online at https://massculturalcouncil.org/communities/local-cultural-council-program/.
FY25 Local Guidelines
Upton utilizes Mass Cultural Council Guidelines.
How Grant Recipients Are Paid
Reimbursement Grants
FY25 Funding List
Name | Project Title | Amount |
Grafton Arts, Inc | Small Stones Art Festival | $266 | Guerin, Sarah M. | Ten Footer Shoe Shops - History & Living Traditions | $672 | Kenney, Seema-Jayne | DNA & Genealogy | $175 | MUSIC Dance.edu | Hip Hop Chair Dance for Seniors! | $280 | Memorial Elementary School | Sheryl Faye Presents Historical Women - Queen Elizabeth II | $1,023 | Miscoe Hill PTO | Prismatic Magic STEM Laser Assembly | $899 | Miscoe Hill School | Chariot of the Sun | $885 | NICOLL, BOB | Generations of Jazz | $600 | Taylor, Catherine Weaver | Luminaries in the Library | $1,000 | Upton Town Library | The Poop Museum | $500 | Worcester Writers' Collective | Blackstone Valley Heritage Corridor Storywalks | $250 | York, Matt | Matt York - Songs & Stories: Johnny Cash | $550 |