Tolland Cultural Council
Our Mission: The mission of the Tolland Cultural Council is to bring quality cultural programs to the residents in the Town of Tolland and surrounding communities. The TCC works with local groups such as the Tolland Library, Fire Department, Police Department and the Council on Aging to coordinate events of interest to these groups as well as the general public. The council aims to serve all demographics that reside in the town and we always appreciate feedback and suggestions for current and future programs.
Contact the Tolland Cultural Council at 413-258-4794 ext. 130
Lise LeTellier
241 West Granville Road
241 West Granville Road
Tolland, MA 01034-9543
Application Information
FY25 Allocation
FY25 Local Priorities
The Tolland Cultural Council will prioritize Tolland events with applicants in Arts, Music, and Natural Sciences.
FY25 Local Guidelines
Information not provided
How Grant Recipients Are Paid
Reimbursement Grants
FY24 Funding List
Name | Project Title | Amount |
Becket Arts Center of the Hilltowns, Inc. | Music Brings Communities Together | $575 | Blandford Historical Society | Sarah the Fiddler | $200 | Blandford Historical Society | Jose Gonzalez and Criollo Clasico Trio | $200 | Blandford Historical Society | Bel Canto Opera | $200 | Hilltown Families, Inc. | Hilltown Families Suggests | $400 | Kochanski, Tracy | Sculpting with wool - The art of needle felting a 3D Deer with an armature | $950 | Longstreeth, Ken | Concert by Jeff Gavioli and his BAD NEWS JAZZ AND BLUES ORCHESTRA featuring Cindy Reed | $1,900 | MUSIC | Hip Hop Chair Dance for Seniors! | $280 | Maichack, Gregory | Painting Seascapes Inspired by Winslow Homer: Maintaining Habitats | $599 | Mandel, Bruce | Singer/Songwriter Bruce Mandel: "In His Own Write" | $525 | Pathways for Parents CFCE | STEAM | $200 |