Taunton Cultural Council
The Taunton Cultural Council comprises a group of local volunteers, who are appointed by the Mayor, and who help promote and facilitate activities and the arts in Taunton. The Council oversees the distribution of Massachusetts Cultural Council funds to support programs in the arts, humanities, and sciences. We have funded programs that served teachers and students, seniors, artists, community events, and annual events that cover a wide, cross-section of Taunton.
Locally-raised funding may be used to support cultural programs. The Taunton Cultural Council can also organize, promote, and support single and ongoing cultural events and activities; such special programs are currently being considered. Our goal is to constantly identify and reach out to any underserved community.
Peter C. Hoye, Chairperson
City Hall
15 Summer Street
Taunton, MA 02780-3430
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Application Information
FY25 Allocation
FY25 Local Priorities
The Taunton Cultural Council funds projects that directly benefit the Taunton residents and neighboring communities. Priority is given to proposals for programs that make it easy for Taunton residents to attend, use local artists and venues, and serve a variety of less visible Taunton communities such as high needs children, senior citizens, veterans, LGBTQ+ organizations, and organizations that center on BiPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) individuals and communities.
Council Guidelines
1. We award Reimbursement Grants – We reimburse grantees based on the funds they have expended; supporting documentation must be included.
2. Applications must be submitted online. No paper copies are accepted.
3. Correspondence for approved grants MUST always contain the Grant Number and Project Title as shown in the approval letter.
4. The electronic submission of Grant Reimbursement requests is preferred.
5. Written commitment of artist/performer/venue must be included in proposal.
6. Community benefit ranks high in the Council’s grants decisions.
FY25 Local Guidelines
Information not provided
How Grant Recipients Are Paid
Reimbursement Grants
FY25 Funding List
Name | Project Title | Amount |
Applause Academy MA, Inc. | Applause Academy Summer 2025 | $2,000 | Applause Academy MA, Inc. | Theater in our Community: 2024/2025 Season | $2,000 | Art Pop | Young Adult Autism Art Classes | $2,000 | Attleboro Area Industrial Museum, Inc. | 50th Anniversary Celebrations! | $500 | Bates III, Davis R. | A Song & Story Celebration | $550 | Be Community | Queer Open Mic | $2,000 | Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro South | Summer Arts Specialist | $6,000 | Breathing Secrets Inc. | Colors Of Culture | $500 | Bristol-Plymouth Regional Technical School Theatre Company | The SpongeBob Musical | $3,000 | Brockton Symphony Orchestra, Inc. | The Brockton Symphony Orchestra - 2024-2025 Season: The Road Less Traveled | $250 | Daly, Rachel | Film Music Hornithology Summer Horn Ensemble | $300 | Dolan, James | Cranberry Coast Concerts Holiday Concert Tour | $500 | Downtown Taunton Foundation, Inc. | Program Re-Development of Trescott Street Gallery | $1,000 | Downtown Taunton Foundation, Inc. | Downtown Summer Concert Series | $3,000 | Downtown Taunton Foundation, Inc. | Downtown StoryWalk | $1,000 | Easton Community Access Television ECAT, Inc. | Hockomock Film Festival | $500 | Ethnic Arts Center of Somerville, Inc. | Talking Family Puppets-a TAUNTON Legacy | $2,000 | Evans, Midori | South Coast (MA and RI) Writing Events Calendar | $500 | Express Yourself, Inc. | Express Yourself 31st Annual Performance | $500 | Friends of Boyden Refuge, Inc | Educational Nature Programs | $1,200 | Friends of The Taunton Public Library, Inc. | The Poop Museum | $600 | Friends of The Taunton Public Library, Inc. | Protect the Planet: World Music, Earth Science & Ecological Entertainment! | $600 | Fuller Craft Museum, Inc. | Everybody's Bolos | $500 | James J. Mulcahey School | Plimoth Patuxet History Field Trip | $3,200 | Leventhal, Rona | Goblins and Giggles: Silly Stories for Halloween! | $860 | Lewis - Parks, Andrew | Andrew Lewis and Friends present “Songs and stories from the singer songwriters 1960-1975.” | $595 | Lights On Committee | Lights On Festival | $2,500 | Lines and Spaces, Inc. | Lines and Spaces After-School Program | $5,000 | Lines and Spaces, Inc. | Community Concert Series | $1,500 | LiveARTS | The 2024-25 LiveARTS Concert Series | $250 | M.M.A.S., Inc. | Mass Arts Center partnership with Taunton Council on Aging | $750 | MUSIC Dance.edu | Hip Hop Chair Dance for Seniors! - a dance series | $900 | MUSIC Dance.edu | I am Autistic I am Fantastic - The Musical | $780 | Mayor's Worthy Cause | Summer Celebration | $4,225 | Mayor's Worthy Cause | Black History Month | $2,500 | Motha, Ian | 60s Music Night | $3,430 | Nelson, Elizabeth | Belly Dance Show and Mini Lesson for Seniors! | $425 | Old Colony Historical Society | Liberty & Union Day 2025 | $2,500 | Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra, Inc. | 2024-2025 Concert Season and Outreach | $500 | Porcino, John P. | To Life!: Celebrations in Story, Song and Music | $475 | Practice Best Practice, Inc. | Practice Best Practice Workshops | $1,000 | Rodman for Kids, Inc. | Theatre for Kids: Hamilton Performance | $500 | Sharon Community Chamber Orchestra, Inc. | Easton Chamber Music Festival | $350 | Soule Homestead Education Center | Cultural Enhancement Projects | $750 | South Shore Children's Chorus, Corp. | SSCC Bridgewater 3rd - 12th Grade Classes | $1,000 | Southeastern Massachusetts Arts Collaborative | Winter and Summer Artists | $300 | Southeastern Massachusetts Festival Chorus, Inc. | Holiday Treat + American Postcards | $4,225 | Taunton City Band, Inc. | Taunton City Band Annual Concert Series | $3,600 | Taunton Civic Chorus, Inc. | “STEVIE!” and “Holiday Classics” | $3,265 | Taunton High School | World Language and Diversity Week 2025 | $5,000 | Taunton River Watershed Alliance, Inc. | Taunton River Festival | $3,000 | Waterman, Jon | Live Music Making History Live | $400 | Wilkins, Joyce | Take an Artist’s Journey | $3,500 | York, Matt | Johnny Cash Songs and Stories | $500 |