Sutton Cultural Council
The Sutton Cultural Council gives priority and support to applications for projects submitted by Sutton residents, organizations, agencies, and schools that will benefit diverse groups of Sutton citizens through cultural, scientific, educational, and/or historical performances and/or education to projects serving youth and families; to projects which will maintain and expand the arts, cultural education, and community gatherings; to projects that demonstrate collaboration/involvement of other town groups and/or organizations; and to projects for new cultural programming. Applicants should demonstrate thorough project planning, including but not limited to logistics and finance. Awards typically range from $100-$1,500. In cases where the project is partially funded, the Council may request an explanation of how the project will be modified if additional funds cannot be raised.
Paul Schaefer, Chairperson
Sutton Town Hall
4 Uxbridge Road
Sutton, MA 01590-1797
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Application Information
FY25 Allocation
FY25 Local Priorities
The Sutton Cultural Council gives priority and support to applications for projects submitted by Sutton residents, organizations, agencies, and schools that will benefit diverse groups of Sutton citizens through arts, humanities, and interpretive sciences through cultural, scientific, educational and/or historical performances, and/or education; to projects serving youth and families; to projects which will maintain and expand the arts, cultural education and community gatherings; to projects that demonstrate collaboration/involvement of other town groups and/or organizations; and to projects for new cultural programming.
FY25 Local Guidelines
Applicants should demonstrate thorough planning of the project, including but not limited to location, logistics, and finance. Awards typically range from $100-$1,500. In cases where the project is partially funded, the Council may request an explanation of how the project will be modified if additional funds cannot be raised.
How Grant Recipients Are Paid
Direct Grants
FY25 Funding List
Name | Project Title | Amount |
Bates III, Davis R. | Sea Songs and Stories: From Shore to Deep Water | $500 | Blackstone Valley Art Association, Inc. | Free Community Art Celebration of Sutton 2025 | $350 | Blackstone Valley Community Concert Band, Inc. | 2025 Concert Series | $500 | Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School | BVT Multicultural Festival | $500 | Far From Eden | Sutton Inclusive Family-Friendly Music Concert in the Gazebo | $400 | George Marston Whitin Memorial Community Association, Inc. | WCC Youth Theater | $1,000 | Longstreeth, Ken | Concert by Jeff Gavioli and his BAD NEWS JAZZ & BLUES ORCHESTRA | $1,520 | MUSIC | Hip Hop Chair Dance for Seniors! | $280 | Porcino, John P. | To Life!: Celebrations in Story, Song and Music | $450 | Shea, Lisa | Writing / Publishing / Marketing Workshop Series | $300 | Sutton Historical Society, Inc. | 2025 Speaker Series | $1,250 | Worcester Writers' Collective | Blackstone Valley Heritage Corridor Storywalks | $250 |