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Somerset Cultural Council

The Somerset Cultural Council is part of a network of 329 Local Cultural Councils serving all the cities and towns in the Commonwealth. Through its Board (currently numbering 5 members), the Council meets throughout the year. One meeting is dedicated to the allocation of funds received from the Massachusetts Cultural Council to individuals and organizations proposing to provide arts programs or performances within our community. Grants are reimbursement-based and priority is given to first time applicants and those who demonstrate a local connection and support.


140 Wood Street
Somerset, MA 02726-5297

Application Information

FY25 Allocation


FY25 Local Priorities

FY2025 Somerset Cultural Council Priorities
The Somerset Cultural Council gathers input from the community and develops funding priorities based on this feedback. This year the Somerset Cultural Council will give priority to proposals that:
● Show clarity of purpose
● Directly benefit Somerset residents
● Are related to the culture and history of Somerset, Bristol County and the region
● Celebrate Somerset’s diverse culture and population
● Are geographically local to Somerset residents
● Are offered gratis or at a reduced cost
● Have evidence of pre-planning (specific dates/times/venues)
● Have local sponsorship (with a letter of support)
● Follow the Massachusetts Cultural Council’s state criteria for grant applications

The Council encourages new and innovative programs. First time applicants will be given higher priority. Repeat programs or applicants will be carefully reviewed and should include other sources of support to show the project is not dependent solely on Council funding.
The Council will also strive to make sure that approved grants benefit a diverse demographic and cultural base, reach a variety of age groups, and cover a variety of mediums. Programs may be presented in-person or virtually.
School-related proposals must be for enrichment activities and not for programs, supplies, or salaries that should be part of a school budget.

FY25 Local Guidelines

Funding is more likely when an application is submitted with a town sponsor and include a letter of support from said community partner.
Only applications submitted through the Online Application system will be accepted for consideration.
Programs must be completed in the 2024 calendar year (January to December) following the October 2023 application deadline.
Grant recipients are required to inform the Somerset Cultural Council before making changes to their program’s execution and/or completion. Requests should be submitted in writing/email for review and approval.

How Grant Recipients Are Paid

Direct Grants

FY25 Funding List

Name Project Title Amount
Art Pop Young Adult Autism Art Classes $800
Bristol Chapter of Massachusetts Society of Genealogists, Inc. Creating an Ancestor Sketch $165
Bristol Chapter of Massachusetts Society of Genealogists, Inc. Navigating Notarial Records in Quebec $215
Bristol Chapter of Massachusetts Society of Genealogists, Inc. Tracing Your Immigrant Ancestors $215
Congregational Christian Church of Somerset Art Workshops $500
Evans, Midori South Coast (MA and RI) Writing Events Calendar $750
Fall River Arts and Culture Coalition Echoes of the Falling River $500
Friends of the Somerset Public Library, Inc. Art For Your Mind $600
Little Theatre of Fall River, Inc. Anastasia - The Musical $1,500
MUSIC Hip Hop Chair Dance for Seniors! $500
MUSIC I am Autistic I am Fantastic - The Musical $580
New Bedford Festival Theatre, Inc. New Bedford Festival Theatre Summer Academy 2025 $400
Practice Best Practice, Inc. Practice Best Practice Workshops $400
Rodrigues, Steven RiverStock $1,500
Rua-Larsen, Marybeth Updating Somerset, Massachusetts: Portrait of the American Experience in a New England Town $2,390
Somerset Council on Aging Craft classes $300
Somerset Council on Aging Mixed media art classes $900
Somerset Cultural Council Sheryl Faye's Historical Women: Queen Elizabeth II $475
South Coast Community Chorale Influencer: How the Art of the Past Shapes the Music of the Future. $500
Southcoast Open Air Market Local Musicians at SOAM $1,500
Town of Somerset Amazing Magical Potter's Wheel $476

Review Complete LCC Program Guidelines

Mass Cultural Council publishes updates daily. Last update was made on March 29, 2025 at 01:22 AM UTC
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