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Rowley Cultural Council

The mission of the Rowley Cultural Council is to promote excellence, access, education and diversity in the arts, humanities, and interpretive sciences in order to improve the quality of life for all Rowley residents and to contribute to the economic vitality of our community.


PO Box 275
139 Main Street
Rowley, MA 01969-1811

Application Information

FY25 Allocation


FY25 Local Priorities

Rowley Cultural Council Priorities – 2024
The purpose of the Rowley Cultural Council (RCC) is to promote and maintain the vitality of local cultural resources and to ensure these resources are shared within the community. The Council is committed to funding a diverse cross-section of activities.

We support a broad variety of art forms, the ongoing work of individual artists, environmental education projects, collaborative proposals that bring together artists and other types of organizations, local cultural groups and projects that serve specific populations — youth, elders, low-income, disabled.

Submission Guidelines:
Applicants must complete an online application.

Funding Priorities:
Information from our public input meetings and community input surveys have helped us determine what type of programs to fund. We are looking for proposals that have a local public benefit with preference given to activities that support greater Rowley artists, artisans, or organizations. These activities include, but are not limited to:
 Summer programs and concerts
; Youth and adult arts
; Town events for the community; 
Cultural arts in the schools; Science and nature activities

Priority is given to programs with a confirmed venue. The application should include a confirmation of the date and venue with a letter from the venue host including contact information.

Applications are evaluated in terms of several review criteria:
Artistic or creative merit; project design; qualifications, dedication and track record of the individuals and organizations involved; physical accessibility of any facilities being used; and community benefit/involvement.

The council will carefully scrutinize repeated requests;
The RCC has a small allocation. The RCC can partially or fully fund grant requests. The average grant is $450.
The RCC suggests that applications have a list of other resources to support their projects. For example, list the other councils in the area in which you are applying for funds and state the amount.
The RCC recommends potential applicants to contact the council for guidance.

FY25 Local Guidelines

Rowley Council Guidelines – 2024
APPLICATION QUICK GUIDE: Priority is given to programs with a confirmed venue. The application should include a confirmation of the date and venue with a letter from the venue host including contact information.

Application and supporting material (such as resumes, organizational brochures, letters of support/commitment, artist samples, etc.) must be submitted through the LCC Website:

. The application form can be completed and printed out at

 For any questions, please contact the RCC through email:
Please include your contact information, including your most reliable phone number. The RCC wants to answer your questions in a timely manner.


Applications are evaluated in terms of several review criteria: artistic or creative merit; project design; qualifications, dedication and track record of the individuals and organizations involved; physical accessibility of any facilities being used; and community benefit/involvement. Proposals from schools and libraries must not request support for activities that should be or used to be part of the municipal budget (i.e., teacher salaries, classroom supplies, school-sponsored clubs and organizations, library books/videos, etc.). Enrichment projects utilizing outside professionals are allowed. Rowley based applicants are given preference over those from out of town. The council will carefully scrutinize repeated requests; such proposals should show other sources of support to show the project is not dependent solely on council funding.

Priority is given to programs with a confirmed venue. The application should include a confirmation of the date and venue with a letter from the venue host including contact information. 


Applicants can be: arts, humanities or interpretive science organizations; individuals including artists, science educators, historians or other humanists, parents, community members, etc.; community organizations, including, but not limited to, schools, social service organizations, business and civic groups, neighborhood centers, youth, senior and family associations, etc. Incorporated organizations must be nonprofit; unincorporated associations must have a nonprofit purpose.


All applications must be submitted online. Answer questions clearly, simply and as completely as space allows. Describe the project and any collaborators, and address the review criteria. The budget is divided into Project Expenses and Revenue (income). These must equal the total budget. You can include in-kind donations, that is, services, materials or facilities which are provided at no cash cost to you.
All applications must be submitted through the LCC Website no later than Wednesday, October 16, 2023 by 11:59 PM. This is a firm date with no exceptions.

How Grant Recipients Are Paid

Reimbursement Grants

FY25 Funding List

Name Project Title Amount
Chorus North Shore, Inc. Britain Invasion – Britain from Antiquity to the Beatles $500
Express Yourself, Inc. Express Yourself 31st Annual Performance $500
Greater Newburyport Ovarian Cancer Awareness Newburyport Lantern Festival $300
Hart, Francis The “Me Generation" - A Cultural Review of the 1970s through Music $400
Imagine Studios Newburyport Indigenous People's Day $250
Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary Nature in your neighborhood - All about birds $325
Jackson, Peter Community Magic Show $300
KevTech Services, Inc. Beginner Technology Classes $250
Newman, Howard Musical Baseball Show $400
OnStage, Inc. Petrushka & the Caterpillar $500
Open Air Sculpture Group Outdoor Sculpture at Maudslay 2025 $175
Rowley Public Library Level Up at the Library with Diane Edgecomb $475
Rowley Public Library One Up Games: Learn to Play $580
Rowley Public Library Paul Speidel Quintet/ part of Summer Concert Series $800
The Delvena Theatre Company Mangia, Meatballs and Murder $495
Town of Rowley Rowley Loves Music! $600
Triton Music Parents Organization, Inc. TMPO Student Scholarships $600

Review Complete LCC Program Guidelines

Mass Cultural Council publishes updates daily. Last update was made on March 29, 2025 at 01:22 AM UTC
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