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Revere Cultural Council

The Revere Cultural Council (RCC) is composed of diverse members appointed by the mayor and approved by the city council. The RCC seeks to collaborate with local and neighboring organizations on programs which will elevate Revere’s diverse, extensive heritage and cultural background. We also seek to make the arts more accessible by providing Revere’s artists and cultural groups with opportunities including grant funding. We aim to serve all segments of Revere’s population, including underrepresented communities with a focus on lesser-heard voices.


Steven Morabito

City Hall
281 Broadway
Revere, MA 02151-5051

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Application Information

FY25 Allocation


FY25 Local Priorities

Applications must be either from a Revere resident or sponsored by a Revere organization. The proposed project must benefit Revere residents and follow the application guidelines to be approved.

Priority will be given to proposals:
1. from Revere residents
2. that benefit underserved populations and lesser-heard groups
3. that involve Revere youth, including at-risk youth
4. about local history and/or serve our local community
5. promote education and mitigation regarding local environmental issues
6. involve new art forms or humanities programs that would be beneficial to the community
7. from new applicants
8. that are live events rather than virtual

FY25 Local Guidelines

1. Applicants must live in Revere or be sponsored by an organization in Revere.
2. Project must be in Revere, about Revere, or benefit Revere residents.
3. Applicant must document how the granted funds will be used.
4. Application must include a project timeline.
5. Application must include a detailed budget.
6. If equipment or capital improvements are part of a grant proposal, the grant must demonstrate a cultural purpose; be for a one-time or special need and should be clearly justified by some longer-term public benefit.
7. Applicants should be aware that our council makes reimbursement grants, and they will not have the funding immediately after being approved. This should be considered when planning the project timeline.
8. Projects must be completed within one funding cycle, unless a demonstrated need is presented to the council for a one-year extension
9. All programs must be held in locations that are accessible to those with disabilities.
10. Funding of grants is contingent on both availability of sufficient funds and relative benefit to the community.
11. Field trip applications must applications must include a statement that the project is not already fully funded by the school (this will be determined on a case by case basis).
12. Funds must not be used to substitute or replace existing publicly funded programs.
13. Funds are not to be used as the sole means of support for programs of a continuing nature.
14. Applicants may not be discriminated against the basis of, including but not limited to: race, sex, religion, creed, color, national origin, disability, or age.
15. All advertisements, brochures, etc., must include a statement that the activity/ program is supported by a grant from the RCC, a local agency which is supported by the MCC.
16. Inability to fulfill guidelines may result in disapproval.

How Grant Recipients Are Paid

Reimbursement Grants

FY25 Funding List

Name Project Title Amount
Abou-Fouda, Asmaa Ramadan Iftar Dinner $10,000
Borges, Filipe Capoeira New England $
City of Revere Revere Beach LGBTQ+ Pride Celebration $13,400
City of Revere Public Health Department Revere Beach Farmer's Market $8,200
City of Revere Recreation Department City Of Revere Sunday Night Concert Series $7,000
Ethnic Arts Center of Somerville, Inc. OUR REVERE LEGACY! -Talking Family & Ethnic Heritage Puppet Set $1,000
Immaculate Conception Elementary School Amazing Hero Art $2,306
Jackson, Peter Community Magic Show $300
James A. Garfield Elementary School African Arts in Education $4,500
MUSIC Hip Hop Chair Dance for Seniors! - a dance series $500
MUSIC I am Autisitc I am Fantastic - The Musical $580
Olivieri, Regina Revere Beach Retail Pop Up Artwork $3,321
Paul Revere Innovation School Wheelock Family Theater Show $2,050
Paul Revere Innovation School Kindergarten Field Trip to the North Shore Music Theatre Production of Curious George: The Golden Meatball $1,975
Pham, Windy Celebrating Asian Culture: Educational Workshops for Children $5,000
Powell, Jennifer sculpture "You are here" $2,175
Rantisi, Tareq 2025 World Music Concert Series $7,800
Recupero, Marie (Nomadik) Soulkore Presents: Music Culture Showcase $5,000
Revere Arabic Community Arabic Language, Culture, and History $16,000
Revere Human Rights Commission Revere Human Rights Commission Indigenous Peoples Project $1,000
Revere Public Library Cultural Events for Revere Public Library $3,199
Romero, Yeison YOUTH IN ACTION $5,000
Stillman, Noelle Plein Aire Painting at Public Gardens $5,200
Susan B. Anthony Middle School Wheelock Family Theatre Field Trip $1,000
The Delvena Theatre Company A Christmas Carol $695
The Delvena Theatre Company Nun of This and Nun of That! $695
The Hill School Drama Club Newsies Jr $1,040
Waterman, Jon Live Music Making History Live $400
Wise, Dennis The Theft of Dignity: A Free Public Presentation for Revere $680

Review Complete LCC Program Guidelines

Mass Cultural Council publishes updates daily. Last update was made on March 29, 2025 at 01:22 AM UTC
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