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New Bedford Cultural Council

New Bedford Cultural Council (NBCC) funds programs that promote excellence, access, education, and diversity in the Arts, Humanities and Interpretive Sciences to improve the quality of life for New Bedford city residents.

NBCC ensures that New Bedford’s share of Massachusetts Cultural Council funds are administered fairly and in the best interests of the community.


PO Box 2027
New Bedford, MA 02741-2027

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Application Information

FY25 Allocation


FY25 Local Priorities

Local cultural council (LCC) funds are used to support programs in the arts, humanities, and interpretive sciences. This definition includes the study, pursuit, performance, exhibition, and appreciation of cultural activities in the broadest sense. Each year the New Bedford Cultural Council (NBCC) adjusts its guidelines and criteria based on responses to a community input survey.

To be considered, the proposed project must either take place in New Bedford or directly benefit the citizens of New Bedford. The New Bedford Cultural Council will give priority to grants that have a measurable impact on the New Bedford community through the following:

1. Projects that provide free or low-cost events and programming
2. Projects that provide opportunities for education, enrichment, and skill-building (ie: workshops). These include but are not limited to the subjects of nature, science, and the environment.
3. Projects with a focus on inclusivity, diversity, or local history.
4. Projects offering outdoor concerts and festivals, public art and performances, and gallery/museum exhibits.
5. Projects that provide opportunities and offer support to individual, emerging or established visual, literary, and performing artists and filmmakers.

FY25 Local Guidelines

1. The NBCC will only accept applications submitted online. No paper applications will be accepted.
2. This is a direct grant program. Award money will be available to you ahead of your project, under the guidelines outlined in your award letter.
3. Grant requests must be between $250-$4,000 per application. The NBCC looks more favorably on applicants who pursue additional funding sources to support their projects. Food, lodging, and fund-raising are not funded by NBCC.
4. Applications from applicants must be capped at $12,000 per grant cycle (ie: you many apply for 3 grants of $4,000 or 6 grants for $2000, etc.)
4. If the budget includes salaries or stipends, attach a detailed breakdown of the allocation of funds for salaries on a separate page. Project locations (i.e. performance venue/gallery space) must be secured in advance of the application. Please attach confirmation letters from the venue or any letters of support for your project.
5. If individuals or an organization collaborate on a single application, one member of the collaboration must be designated as the lead applicant for fiscal management purposes.
6. The Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) and the LCC must be credited by using the MCC’s credit logo or credit line. We encourage grant recipients to use both the MCC logo and the credit statement, but you are only required to use one. Logos are downloadable from this site. The logo must be produced as a unit without alteration.

The credit line is as follows:
“This program is supported in part by a grant from the New Bedford Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.”

1. Any field trip that fits with your class curriculum is eligible to be funded. Some examples of trips we’ve funded in the past are: trips to shows at the Zeiterion, the Rotch-Jones-Duff House, the Museum of Science in Cambridge, etc. In your application, please describe how this trip/program directly connects or relates to classroom learning.
2. Schools organizing the field trip are eligible to apply, as well as cultural organizations hosting the field trips. Using the online application, please insert the name of your school in the “applicant” field and your contact name in the “contact name” field.
3. There is no set maximum on the amount that a given school can receive for field trips. However, the amount that we will be able to give to each school will depend on the number of overall requests and the amount of money we receive.

How Grant Recipients Are Paid

Direct Grants

FY25 Funding List

Name Project Title Amount
3rd Eye Youth Empowerment, Inc. 3rd Eye Open $1,586
3rd Eye Youth Empowerment, Inc. Kids Open Art Week $1,586
AHA! New Bedford AHA! Docent Program $1,586
AHA! New Bedford AHA! Moments $3,600
AHA! New Bedford AHA! Seaport Sessions $3,600
Andrews, David Indigenous Song and Dance for First Annual New Bedford Indegenous Social $3,000
Anello, Andrew New Moon Projects: BodyBodyBody, New Moon Roller Disco $1,586
Angeley, Jeffrey Living Traditions: Balance&Swing, OT Fiddle Session & Community Gathering, BUC $3,600
Angeley, Jeffrey What We Make Together $3,000
Arakelian, Garine Colorful Clay Relief Tile $304
Art Museum New Bedford, Inc. Twirl & Whirl $3,000
Art Museum New Bedford, Inc. FriYAY Live Music series $2,168
Art Museum New Bedford, Inc. Film Class with Professor Mocha $1,586
Baptista, Candida Rose Kriolas di Muzika: Not Just for Men Anymore - A Sonic Book Presentation and Concert $1,586
Bean, Cara Mindful Doodling Workshop $428
Beltran Salinas, Gerardo Driver's licenses in Massachusetts K'iche' $2,963
Beltran Salinas, Gerardo Drivers license in Spanish $3,000
Bishop, Scott Amplified Silence $3,000
Bishop, Scott Unexpected Music $3,330
Bishop, Scott Unexpected Anomalies $1,348
Buzzards Bay Coalition, Inc. Spotlighting New Bedford’s Abolition Row through the Pulitzer Prize winning Master Slave Husband Wife $1,188
Camarao, Christian New Bedford Roots and Branches Festival $3,600
Cape Verdean Recognition Committee, Inc. 53rd Cape Verdean Recognition Parade $3,000
Co-Creative Center, Inc. Co-Creative Sessions $3,000
Coastal Foodshed, Inc. Learn to Love Local - Supporting Local Musicians $3,600
Community Autism Resources, Incorporated Twilight Tour at Buttonwood Zoo for Autistic Individuals and their families $694
Downtown New Bedford, Inc. Annual Downtown New Bedford Holiday Stroll $3,600
Dream Out Loud Center, Inc. The Student Showcase $1,586
Easton Children's Museum, Inc. Fossil Discoveries $675
Ethnic Arts Center of Somerville, Inc. Azorean Puppetry Arts Legacy Project $1,875
Evans, Midori Artists Share! The Power of Cross Pollination $3,000
Evans, Midori South Coast (MA and RI) Writing Events Calendar $1,190
Fazio, Rhonda M Interwoven Open Studio Sessions $3,420
Fazio, Rhonda M Seafood at Sunset $3,600
Fine Art Studio & Gallery, Alison Wells Music & Art: Sounds of AHA! $2,970
Fine Art Studio & Gallery, Alison Wells From Magazines to Masterpieces $2,464
Friends of the New Bedford Free Public Library, Inc One Up Games at the Library $810
Friends of the New Bedford Free Public Library, Inc Henna at the Library $360
Friends of the New Bedford Free Public Library, Inc Aromatherapy: Hydration Station $268
Friends of the New Bedford Free Public Library, Inc A Pleasant Pairing: Tea and Fine Chocolates $268
Fuenzalida-Guzman, Paulina Identity, Resistance, and Transformation $1,586
Fuenzalida-Guzman, Paulina Embroidery on paper $1,800
Gallery X, Inc. Gallery X Unplugged $2,925
Gallery X, Inc. Cinema 169 $1,586
Global Learning Charter Public School Guys and Dolls - 20th Anniversary Show $595
Katz, Adam Live music series $1,586
Lapp, Sarah Jane Puzzical Chairs & Pops with Live Music by Skyjelly $3,000
Luz, Nicole We are still here series: Debunking the myth of Indigenous American Extinction $990
Luz, Nicole Winter Indigenous Social $1,586
Luz, Nicole Puerto Rican Festival: Honoring our Ancestors $1,586
MCLEAN, MICHAEL New Beige Bash Music Festival $3,600
MCLEAN, MICHAEL Stoveboat Concert Series $1,586
Maiato FitzGerald, Christine Earring, The Art $694
Maiato FitzGerald, Christine Beginners Yoga @ Gallery X $506
Martell, Scott Magic Show $525
Matson, Rhonda Backyard Band Family Jams $743
New Bedford Ballet Foundation, Inc. Ballet Fairytales for PACE Head Start $686
New Bedford Economic Development Council, Inc. Love the Ave "Sabor y Ritmo" Community Block Party $3,600
New Bedford Economic Development Council, Inc. Seaport Art Walk 2025 $3,600
New Bedford Economic Development Council, Inc. ArtWeek SouthCoast 2025 $563
New Bedford Festival Theatre, Inc. New Bedford Festival Theatre Summer Academy 2025 $1,586
New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center, Inc. Ceremonies & Celebrations $1,586
New Bedford Historical Society, Inc. Juneteenth Family Celebration $3,000
New Bedford Parks, Recreation & Beaches Out of School Time Field Trips $1,586
New Bedford Parks, Recreation & Beaches Trails of New Bedford $2,925
Our Sisters' School, Inc. Performing Arts Program $1,586
Pimentel, Michelle Arts at the Vault $1,547
Pinheiro, Maria Tomorrow is a Glass House $3,000
Practice Best Practice, Inc. Practice Best Practice Workshops $3,150
Robitaille, James J. Jim Robitaille Group $991
Rotch-Jones-Duff House & Garden Museum, Inc. Shakespeare in New Bedford 2025 - Romeo & Juliet $1,800
Seaglass Theater Company, Inc. Music in the Library $476
Spinner Publications, Inc. New Bedford Blubber: Writers Workshops $3,000
Sunshine's Place, Inc. Early Ed. Comm Mural $1,388
The Artists Index, Inc. The Artists Index Salon Series $1,586
The Artists Index, Inc. The Lost Artists of the South Coast Podcast Series $1,586
The Community Collaborative, Inc. 2nd Annual Ghost Tour $793
The First Unitarian Church In New Bedford Inc Bread and Puppet Theater $1,500
The First Unitarian Church In New Bedford Inc 41st Annual Jazz Concert $2,250
Thomas Jr, Isidro New Bedford, my home by the sea $1,467
Thomas, Patricia Culture*Park Playbuilding Lab - "Plays With Music" Edition $595
Tri-County Music Association, Inc. Complimentary Senior Tickets $180
Wainer Woods LLC Eastern Medicine Singers $1,428
Whaling History Alliance, Inc. 2025 WHA Summer Concert Series $3,600
Wild Heart Herb House Wild Heart Herb Fest 2025 $1,586
Wild Heart Herb House Queer Communi-Tea $1,142
Your Theatre, Inc. Playwright Original Works Service $1,031
Youth Opportunities Unlimited Eco-Art: Observing, Exploring, and Creating with Nature $446
Zeiterion Theatre, Inc. The Z’s Collaborative, Free Arts and Culture Programming: Jazz Jams, Mobile Creative Classroom, SuperART, HBCU Fair, Abolition Row Park Performance Series $3,000
Zukas, Karen NBACE Mural Slam $1,586

Review Complete LCC Program Guidelines

Mass Cultural Council publishes updates daily. Last update was made on March 26, 2025 at 01:22 PM UTC
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