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Melrose Cultural Council

The Melrose Cultural Council is committed to supporting programs with public benefit that promote excellence, education, cultural diversity, inclusion, and racial equity to foster a rich and vibrant cultural life in Melrose. Priority is given to applications from Melrose organizations, individuals, and organizers. We encourage and wish to support programs across all arts disciplines, including the visual arts, music, humanities, drama, public art, murals, installations, and interpretive sciences. We encourage first time applicants. Requests for feedback are welcome before applying. Melrose Cultural Council will also entertain funding proposals from schools and youth groups. Our goal is to provide financial support to a variety of projects that collectively appeal to the diverse population and cultures of our community reaching adults of all ages, youth, children, families and seniors. The Melrose Cultural Council welcomes applications from a variety of identities inclusive of race, gender expression, gender identity, sexual identity, ability, religion, age, education, national origin, citizenship, and ethnicity.


Sarah Bolha

562 Main Street
Melrose, MA 02176-3113

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Application Information

FY25 Allocation


FY25 Local Priorities

Our 2025 priorities are informed by a recent community outreach survey. We are actively encouraging applications that address inclusion, diversity, and equity. Priority will be given to projects that build community through social connections and dialogue. We hope to elevate the voices and experiences of historically underrepresented groups that reflect and highlight the current and historic diversity of Melrose residents in an authentic way, through arts and culture. Projects that speak to the experience of Massachusetts artists and audiences who identify as BIPOC, Latinx, LGBTQIA, immigrant, or live with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Proposals for innovative ideas, collaborations, and new initiatives that produce free public events and activities in outdoor spaces are favorably welcomed.

FY25 Local Guidelines

Applicants must present their events and programming during the upcoming calendar year (January 1-December 31, 2025) with a local ADA-compliant venue. Applicants are urged to closely read and follow the LCC Program eligibility guidelines and local priorities on the website. Unlike past grant cycles, the MCC may now fully fund approved projects, eliminating the need for applicants to seek additional sources of funding. We do not accept requests for capital expenditures, individual scholarships, or multi-year repeating programs. We encourage first-time applications. Prospective applicants are welcome to contact the MCC to ask questions or to receive feedback on proposals before submitting. Grants are competitive and not all requests are awarded or fully funded. In 2024, seventeen grants were awarded, ranging from $225 to $1,600.

How Grant Recipients Are Paid

Direct Grants

FY25 Funding List

Name Project Title Amount
Bumstead, John Musical Reflections from the Nissitissit String Quartet $1,115
Community Coalition of Melrose, Inc. Red Hawk Rumble $800
Follow Your Art Community Studios, Inc. Community Storytelling Series $2,850
Greater Boston Stage Company Expanding Melrose’s Access to Live Performance Through Discounted Tickets $950
MUSIC Hip Hop Chair Dance for Seniors! - a dance series $475
Massachusetts Educational Theater Guild, Inc. The Massachusetts High School and Middle School State Drama Festivals $950
Melrose Alliance Against Violence Voices Against Violence Community Coffee House $750
Melrose Early Childhood Center Pumpernickel Puppets $750
Melrose Market Community, Inc STEAM Activities at the Farmers' Market $825
Melrose Open Studio Tour Melrose Open Studio Tour $900
Melrose Orchestral Association, Inc. May Pops Finale Featuring Karen Walwyn $950
Melrose PTO, Inc. World Culture Night $1,425
Melrose Public Library The Author's Corner with Paul Clerici $225
Mount Hood Park Association July 4th Concert $475
North Suburban Child & Family Resource Network Create & Play Family Events $1,500
Polymnia Choral Society, Inc. Haydn's "Missa in angustiis" and "Illuminare" by Elaine Hagenberg $2,375
Ramadan, Michelle Sculpture Seekers: A Melrose Creature Quest $2,000
Rantisi, Tareq 2025 World Music Concert Series $1,990
Santillo, Oren Melrose Jazz Fest 2025 $3,120
Temple Beth Shalom Keeping Jazz Alive $950
The Beethoven Society of Melrose Beethoven Society of Melrose 98th Concert Season $1,900
The Delvena Theatre Company Mangia, Meatballs and Murder $750
The Filmmakers Collaborative, Inc. FC Academy outdoor film screening $1,150
The Opening Doors Project, LLC Opening Doors presents Black Legacy Project $1,900

Review Complete LCC Program Guidelines

Mass Cultural Council publishes updates daily. Last update was made on March 29, 2025 at 01:22 AM UTC
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