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Lawrence Cultural Council

The Lawrence Cultural Council is a volunteer group of Lawrencians appointed by the Mayor to disperse funds awarded to the city from Mass Cultural Council. Funds are awarded through a grant process. Grants may be submitted from individuals, schools, artists, and cultural groups. Activities receiving support from the council must take place in the city and serve all facets of the population, from children to the elderly.

Lawrence Cultural Council Mission Statement:

Our mission is to support programs in the arts, humanities, and interpretive sciences that contribute to the enhancement of the quality of life in Lawrence.


Patricia Mariano, Chair

PO Box 326
Lawrence, MA 01840-0023

Application Information

FY25 Allocation


FY25 Local Priorities

Lawrence Cultural Council (LCC) grants are open to individual artists, art organizations, community organizations, schools, and municipal agencies. All projects funded by the Lawrence Cultural Council must primarily serve and benefit the Lawrence community through exhibits, performances, readings, cultural events and/or field trips. Celebrating the diversity of our “Immigrant City”, we encourage projects which highlight our rich culture, equity, diversity and inclusion. The Lawrence Cultural Council prefers to fund local artists who live in the city.

FY25 Local Guidelines

The Lawrence Cultural Grant process is governed by requirements and regulations established by the Mass Cultural Council; failure to comply with the Lawrence Cultural guidelines may jeopardize a grant application. Additional information about grant programs may be found at:

New this year is assistance in translation services. We urge applicants in need of such help to access MCC at this address:

On September 18, @ 6:00PM, the Local Cultural Council will also hold an Informational Session concerning the grant process on Zoom. The link is listed below.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 897 8455 1560
Passcode: 775257

All grants for FY 2025 must be submitted online. Application deadline for this funding cycle is October 16, 2024. Please add a letter of support verifying that a venue is secured to the supplemental materials. Field Trip requests are submitted on the same online application. The Lawrence Cultural Council does not fund transportation and/or food or beverage expenses.

Grants are awarded for projects taking place for the period January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025.

Grants are evaluated based on the following criteria: quality of project, community benefit, budget, and funding.

Quality of the project
Is the project well thought out with evidence of planning? Are the specific dates and venues identified? Do the qualifications of the artist, humanist or interpretive scientist leading the activity suggest that the project will be of high quality? Does the proposal adhere to local priorities?

Community Benefit
Is there evidence that the proposal will benefit the citizens of Lawrence? What is the impact this proposal will have on the city of Lawrence and its citizens? Does the project contribute to the cultural vitality and well-being of the city as a whole? Is there community support for the project?

Budget and Funding Support
A budget limit has been set for $5000. Please adhere to the following guidelines when establishing your budget documentation.
Does the budget balance? Does the budget follow LCC guidelines? Is the budget realistic and clear? Are there other sources of funding or is Lawrence Cultural Council the sole source of funding? Is the project budget specific?

Reimbursement –
As part of our new Direct Grant Payment Option, you will receive your funding as a direct grant that will not require you to expend your own funds and request reimbursement. To accept your grant and receive payment, you must complete and return a Grant Agreement and W-9, which will be enclosed in the award letter within two weeks. In addition, you will be required to fill out a final report on your project once your program is complete.

Recognition requirements –
Acknowledgement is required in all published materials and announcements regarding activities supported by the Lawrence Cultural Council through funds. The sponsored individual or group must acknowledge this support with a written and/or verbal credit statement and by using the MCC logo. This credit is required by the MCC and failure to do so may jeopardize funding.

How Grant Recipients Are Paid

Direct Grants

FY25 Funding List

Name Project Title Amount
2nd Act Org, Inc. Prevention Play at Lawrence BGC $2,050
Alexander B. Bruce School Who Will Tell Our Stories $2,500
Ancient Order of Hibernians Division 8 Irish Heritage Month 2025 $4,550
Ancient Order of Hibernians Ladies Division 8 Irish Christmas Festival $1,775
Arlington Middle School Shrek the Musical Jr $4,400
Asociacion Carnavalesca de Massachusetts, Inc. Vida Carnaval $1,900
Asociación de Peruanos Unidos, Inc. Peru, pais rico en diversidad cultural. $2,000
Ateneo Dominicano de Nueva Inglaterra Bohemian Sunset 2025 $3,500
Bellesini Academy Field Trip to Tsongas Industrial History Center $450
Bellesini Academy 7th & 8th Grade Field Trip to Tsongas Industrial History Center $505
Bettagere Nagendra Prasad, Pranav Swaroop Project SARANG - Colors of South Asian Music $750
Bread & Roses Heritage Committee, Inc. 41st Bread and Roses Heritage Festival $4,550
Cambiando El Mundo de Necesidades Especiales Art and Inclusion $2,500
Chinese Cultural Exchange of the Andovers, Inc. Chinese New Year Festival $800
Clear Path for Veterans New England, Inc. Salute to Creativity: Arts from the Heart for Our Heroes $800
Colectiva Wellness & Healing Areito: Healing through Taino Songs $2,000
Collazo, Felipe Presente! Festival $2,000
Colombian Cultural Committee of the Merrimack Valley Colombia is Passion - Tribute to Cumbia Colombiana $2,000
Communities Together, Inc. Manos Felices STEM $1,500
Discovery Museum, Inc. Open Door Connections $400
Edward F. Parthum Middle School Aladdin Jr. $4,325
El Instituto Cultural de Puerto Rico, Inc. Bomba & Plena Festival 2025 $4,550
Elevated Thought, Inc. Youth Showcase $3,000
Essex Art Center, Inc. Fiesta en la Calle 2025 $4,550
Ethnic Arts Center of Somerville, Inc. Pop-Up Talking Puppets of My Family - Ethnic Heritage of Lawrence Legacy Project $2,000
Exposed Brick Literary Magazine, Inc. Exposed Brick Literary Magazine Issue 6 Launch $3,100
Friends of Lawrence Heritage State Park, Inc. Historical Trolley Tours of Lawrence $1,775
Grainy Daze Studios Encounter the Real $2,000
Greater Lawrence Fellowship of the Arts, Inc. Juneteenth Arts & Awareness Festival $2,500
Groundwork Lawrence, Inc. Kite Festival 2025 $2,775
International Book Fair, Inc. XIX International Book Fair 2025 $3,050
Jackson, Peter Community Magic Show $300
Kevin C. Kynock Foundation for the Arts Arts Immersion Trips to see Ja Ja Hair Braiding at SpeakEasy Stage and Don't Eat the Mangos at the Huntington Theater $1,000
Lawrence Boys and Girls Club, Inc. Dance Academy $2,550
Lawrence Boys and Girls Club, Inc. Digital Arts $2,550
Lawrence High School Miss Saigon Music Direction $4,550
Lawrence High School Stagecraft $4,550
Lawrence Ladies Lodge 2026 Celebrating Italian Heritage through Music $800
Lawrence Public Schools Raíces Creativas: Building Brands with Culture $3,000
MUSIC Hip Hop Chair Dance for Seniors! - a dance series $900
MUSIC I am Autistic I am Fantastic - The Musical $680
McGary, Diane Resident Therapeutic Musician $3,525
Merrimack Valley Immigrants and Education Center, Inc. Chinese/Vietnamese New Year & Asian Heritage Celebration Cultural Dances $2,825
Merrimack Valley Community Music School, Inc. Music for Lawrence Farmers Market $3,000
Merrimack Valley Community Music School, Inc. Music Therapy for Elderly $2,200
O'Shea/Chaplin School of Irish Step Dancing Afternoon of Irish Dance and Music $775
Olde Essex Stage Company 5th Annual Shakespeare in the Park $4,000
OnStage, Inc. Petrushka & the Caterpillar $775
Rivera, Marianela The Anthology Project $750
Robert Frost Foundation Robert Frost Poetry & Music Festival: Connecting Lawrence Then and Now $1,275
Robert Frost Middle School Seacoast Science Center Field Trip $1,725
Si, Se Puede, Inc. Fairytale Storytelling Theatre $3,035
Sullivan, Duane Swinging Standards $750
The Merrimack Valley Young Men's Christian Association, Inc. Creative Art Space $4,000
The Musary, JRP Inc. Musary Musical Instrument Lending Acquisitions $750
Three Saints, Inc. 101st Feast of the Three Saints $4,535
Waterman, Jon Live Music Making History Live $400
Williams Scott, Nerissa MassQing Our Soul $4,000
Wise, Dennis The Theft of Dignity: Lawrence Free Public Presentation $680
Xotyeni, Amy Irise Dance Project Youth Company $3,000
Xotyeni, Mcebisi D. African Dance Workshop $1,500
guerrero, mary Writing in Lawrence $2,775

Review Complete LCC Program Guidelines

Mass Cultural Council publishes updates daily. Last update was made on March 26, 2025 at 05:22 AM UTC
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