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Holyoke Local Cultural Council

The Holyoke Local Cultural Council (HLCC) consists of community members appointed by the Mayor based on their credentials, interest in the arts, and commitment to arts programming in the city of Holyoke. The HLCC encourages individuals and organizations to apply for financial support through its annual grant program which is part of a statewide grant program administered by the Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC).

HLCC Members 2024-25
Tim Damon, Secretary
Christopher Dunay
Mark Dunlap
Navae Fenwick Rodriguez
Chris Fournier,
Gloria Caballero-Roca
Anne Thalheimer, Chair


City Hall, Office of the Mayor
536 Dwight Street
Holyoke, MA 01040-5086

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Application Information

FY25 Allocation


FY25 Local Priorities

HLCC Funding Priorities

The Holyoke Local Cultural Council (HLCC) typically receives requests totaling more than twice the amount of money available for us to grant. The goal of the HLCC is to provide some funding to as many qualified projects as we can. Local council support is not intended to be used as the sole source of funding for projects of a continuing nature. Most continuing projects receive only partial funding and for no more than three consecutive years. The HLCC supports projects that demonstrate a clear public benefit. Emphasis is placed on supporting local artists presenting work in Holyoke and public benefit to Holyoke. Funding is made available to the widest range of community cultural needs possible.

As determined by the most recent community surveys, the following are funding priorities for the 2024-25 grant cycle:

Professional development of local artists through community projects
Field trips for students to museums or performances
Public events like concerts or festivals
Projects celebrating diversity

Council Guidelines
HLCC Local Guidelines

Funded projects must be completed during the calendar year (January – December) following the October application deadline.
Field trips must be to destinations within the state.
The HLCC will consider projects designed for virtual, hybrid, or in-person presentation.
If you are hoping to work with a particular venue, indoor or outdoor, for a live presentation, a letter of support from the venue will strengthen your application. We encourage applicants to prepare and provide details for a virtual alternative in the event that in-person presentation is not possible.

If you need assistance with your application, please contact the Mayor’s Office at 413 -322-5510.

FY25 Local Guidelines

Information not provided

How Grant Recipients Are Paid

Reimbursement Grants

FY25 Funding List

Name Project Title Amount
Sensory Research through Art and Science at the YMCA $2,000
Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary Birds of Holyoke $400
Arts Integration Studio LLC Truth Tellers Theater Ensemble Year 2 $750
Battat, Daniel A. Continuing Glass with Holyoke High Schoolers $1,250
Blues to Green, Inc. Legacy Education Project – 2024 Lighthouse Harlem Renaissance & Hip-Hop Residency $2,200
Bombyx Brass Collective Bombyx Brass Collective Masterclasses and Performance $2,600
Caballero, Gloria Afro-Caribbean History through the Arts $5,000
Cepeda, Brendaliz Project Proposal: "Bomba Beats: Integrating Puerto Rican Folklore Music into Our School Curriculum" $2,500
Comeau, Robert Holyoke in the American Revolution $250
Comeau, Robert Precious Blood Church Fire of 1875 $225
Flywheel Community Arts, Inc. Flywheel Zine Workshops $1,500
Ghiz, Alexandra Reflections of Hildegard: Musical Thoughts of the Middle Ages $750
Gordon, Damany Dub N Grub $1,850
Holyoke Art 2025 Great Holyoke Brick Race & Car Show $750
Holyoke Art 2025 Holyoke Pride Talent $5,000
Holyoke Art High Street Storefront Art $3,000
Holyoke Art Art at Home with the Holyoke Senior Center 2025 $2,250
Holyoke Art Artery Exchange $1,250
Holyoke Art La Plaza programming $1,250
Holyoke League of Arts and Crafts Weekly Artmaking and Annual Public Showcase $2,500
Holyoke Public Library Corporation Historic Film Footage of Holyoke Revealed $575
Holyoke Public Library Corporation Genealogy $350
Holyoke Public Schools Youth Archivists for Social Change $2,250
Holyoke Public Schools Holyoke Ethnic Studies Block Party $1,500
Holyoke Rows Inc River Mosaic $2,500
Keezing, Jonathan A. TIMELESS TALES! Puppet Show $600
LOCULUS Collective LOCULUS Presents The Fourth Annual SIDEWAYS DOOR: a festival of ecstasies & escape routes $1,250
Massachusetts Academy of Ballet Educational Training Association Cabaret with Broadway Brings Joy and Massachusetts Academy of Ballet Educational Training Association $750
Mazzola, Joseph Learn to Sew Classes at Paper City Fabrics $1,850
Montgomery, Jason Holyoke Community Ofrenda $750
Ms. Massachusetts Senior America Pageant Club Ms. Senior Massachusetts Musical Review $200
Neill, David Christmas and Holiday Sing along with the Fanfare Brass Emsemblecy $700
Nuestras Raices, Inc. Festival Cultural de la Cosecha $3,000
Pioneer Valley Roller Derby, Inc. Skating with Pride $750
Print Shop, Inc. Art @ Home: Travel Kits $634
Print Shop, Inc. Art at Home: Snow Day Edition $650
Print Shop, Inc. School Vacation at the ARTery 2025 $900
Print Shop, Inc. Hourly Comics Day & 24 Hour Comics Day Events At The Print Shop $800
Resilient Community Arts Plein Air Painting & "Views of the Valley" Exhibition at Holyoke Heritage State Park $1,000
Ritornello Music The Mead Tones: Buzzing Baroque! (working title) $850
Rodriguez, Julissa Creative Youth Arts Lab $2,000
Rodriguez, Julissa We Are Each Other's Magnitude $1,000
Sobel, Anna R. Whale Tales Puppet Show at the Holyoke Public Library $425
Springfield Symphony Orchestra, Inc. SSO Musical Petting Zoo $750
Tamarack Hollow Nature and Cultural Center, Inc. Gaia Roots and the Valley Rhythm Keepers at Holyoke Media $1,250
The Massachusetts International Festival of the Arts, Inc. Puerto Abierto/Brasil $1,250
The Wistariahurst Foundation, Inc. Historical Lecture Series $750
The Wistariahurst Foundation, Inc. Gallery Exhibits in Great Hall $1,500
The Wistariahurst Foundation, Inc. Prison Reimagined Gallery Exhibit $1,200
Valley Arts Mentors Mentorship Program & Webinar Series $450
Vega Yoga & Movement Arts, Inc. 5 Public Performances: Fall Spooky Showing, Holyoke Historic Nutcracker, Holyoke Winter Cabaret, Spring Semester Showing, Summer Camp Showing $3,000
West, Amy Shadow, Sound, Spectacle: Literary Monsters $900
Young at Heart Chorus, Inc. Y@H x Holyoke: Remix $2,000
de la Guardia, Aliana Commission of a New Work by Maria Sappho $2,500

Review Complete LCC Program Guidelines

Mass Cultural Council publishes updates daily. Last update was made on March 29, 2025 at 01:22 AM UTC
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