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Haverhill Cultural Council

The Haverhill Cultural Council is an LCC (Local Cultural Council) made up of volunteers appointed by Mayor Melinda Barrett and is part of the largest grassroots cultural funding network in the nation, supporting thousands of community-based projects in the arts, humanities, and sciences annually. The program promotes the availability of rich cultural experiences for every Massachusetts citizen. LCC projects take place in schools, community centers, libraries, elder care facilities, and wherever communities come together.


John Hassan, Chair

10 Welcome Street
Haverhill, MA 01830-5699

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Application Information

FY25 Allocation


FY25 Local Priorities

The council funds projects at elderly housing, school programs, summer and after school programs, and activities at cultural organizations within the city.

FY25 Local Guidelines

The council reviews all grant applications that have a Haverhill venue and ranks them using a scoring rubric.

How Grant Recipients Are Paid

Direct Grants

FY25 Funding List

Name Project Title Amount
AgeSpan, Inc. Arts Programming for Haverhill Housing Authority Residents $1,000
Andover Choral Society, Inc. Phases of Love $500
Asociacion Carnavalesca de Massachusetts, Inc. Vida Carnaval $1,700
Bettagere Nagendra Prasad, Pranav Swaroop Project SARANG - Colors of South Asian Music $1,000
Brown, Edward The Socialists of Shoe City: The Socialist Movement in Haverhill, Massachusetts $1,000
Calvary Baptist Church Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration $1,100
Colombian Cultural Committee of the Merrimack Valley LA CULTURA VIVA 2024 $2,854
Creative Haverhill, Inc. Más Fuertes Unidos - Latinx Community Art Show $2,000
Creative Haverhill, Inc. Haverhill Art Walk Pride Parade $1,200
Discovery Club: Haverhill Public Schools Heart and Sole of Haverhill $1,200
East Parish Meeting House East Parish Meeting House, Grounds & Building Maintenance $2,000
Essence Haverhill Yoga In The Park $1,000
Farrell, Jamie Print with the Museum of Printing $1,000
Fine and Performing Arts Department, Haverhill Public Schools Purchase and Installation of Second Clay Storage Unit, Haverhill High School Ceramics Studio $2,000
Guerin, Sarah M. Buttonwoods Museum FAiR Presentation $532
Haverhill Community Television Corp. HC Media Professional Course Series $1,500
Haverhill Education Foundation Inc KidsFest $1,000
Haverhill YMCA Y Arts Show $1,000
Hersey, Lisa Bookbinding at the Library $1,100
Houle, Jenn Plant Paint Cross Pollinate $1,200
Jackson, Peter Community Magic Show $300
Jewett, Emily Electrical box paintings $900
Kirouac, Daniel Concert for Haverhill Citizen Center $275
Lappen, Henry Henry the Juggler Performance $450
Lipman, Mark Endless Horizons $2,000
MUSIC Hip Hop Chair Dance for Seniors! - a dance series $1,000
MUSIC I am Autistic I am Fantastic - The Musical $580
Merrimack Valley Concert Band, Inc. Merrimack Valley Concert Band Summer Series $800
Mitrano, Miranda Paper Making Summer Sessions $2,000
New Moon Coffeehouse, Inc Tried & True, Rising & New at New Moon Coffeehouse $1,000
Newman, Howard Music for Seniors $400
Nocera, Josef 50s Dance Party at the Senior Center $1,000
OnStage, Inc. Petrushka & the Caterpillar/Paint Plant Art Workshop $1,000
Osborne, Brianna "Armor" A Community Art Exhibition $1,000
Powell, Jennifer Outdoor Sculptures "You are Here" $1,200
Public Media of New England, Inc. Spotlight on Local Talent—Arts & Culture Focus $1,500
Punctuate4, Inc. The Abolitionist Refrain $1,100
Rull, Thomas E. "A Musical Journey Through the Years" December Holiday Show $500
Sarkhel, Surya Immigrant Story & Multidisciplinary Performance $500
Team Haverhill, Inc. Team Haverhill's River Ruckus 2025 $3,000
Team Haverhill, Inc. Outdoor Music Series $1,100
The Delvena Theatre Company The Incredible Mae West! $685
The Delvena Theatre Company Mangia, Meatballs and Murder $795
The Haverhill Historical Society Accused of Sundry Acts of Witchcraft: The Haverhill Accused $500
Trustees of the John Greenleaf Whittier Homestead Exploring Historic Textile Production $1,100
Urban Bridges, Inc. ACAT Summer Theatre Workshop $1,500
Urban Village Montessori, Inc. The Art of our Hands and the Story it Tells $1,200
Waterman, Jon Live Music Making History Live $400
Wise, Dennis The Theft of Dignity: Haverhill Free Public Presentation $680
Wisteria Montessori, Inc. Immersive visits with Buttonwoods Museum $600
Wisteria Montessori, Inc. Boardwalk Block Party $1,100
Xotyeni, Amy Irise Dance Project at The Haverhill Art Walk $1,500
York, Matt Willie Nelson - Songs & Stories w/ Matt York $600
Young Men's Christian Association of the North Shore, Inc. Pottery & More $1,000
Zaino, Nick 100 Years of Boston Comedy $250
de la Guardia, Aliana Commission of a New Work by Maria Sappho $1,700

Review Complete LCC Program Guidelines

Mass Cultural Council publishes updates daily. Last update was made on March 28, 2025 at 09:22 PM UTC
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