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Hanover Cultural Council

The Hanover Cultural Council is comprised of residents who are interested in supporting and promoting arts, humanities and sciences in Hanover. We have funded many projects in the community that span all age groups and abilities, including events at the Hanover Council on Aging, Artists in residence and the drama programs in the Hanover schools, special projects by the Hanover Unity Council, the Walnut Hill Garden Club, Hanover Historical Society, and many more. We also sponsor the annual town celebration — Hanover Day — each year in June to showcase the talents and activities in our community. The festival includes musical and dance performances, an art show, road race, historical exhibitions, craft displays, a community art project, youth athletic events, a senior citizen luncheon, car show, carnival, and fireworks display. Over the years we have also sponsored other events such as our annual Kite Day festival in partnership with the Friends of the John Curtis Library. We are always looking for ways to do outreach in our town in support of the arts, sciences, and humanities.


Christopher Haraden, Chair

Hanover Town Hall
550 Hanover Street
Hanover, MA 02339-2207

Application Information

FY25 Allocation


FY25 Local Priorities

Our goal is to serve as many residents of Hanover as possible, and to ensure that the beneficiaries of grant programs are of all ages and abilities. In order to do this, our priorities will be to fund grants that have programs that take place in Hanover. If they are programs that take place outside of Hanover, we will look to see what the impact of the program is on Hanover residents. Applicants are encouraged to articulate, as clearly as possible, their proposal’s expected benefits for Hanover residents. We also give priority to grant applicants who have already arranged a venue and to programs offering new and unique experiences.

FY25 Local Guidelines

Information not provided

How Grant Recipients Are Paid

Reimbursement Grants

FY25 Funding List

A grant list will be published here after January 17, 2025 and once the Local Cultural Council has finalized their decisions.

Review Complete LCC Program Guidelines

Mass Cultural Council publishes updates daily. Last update was made on December 21, 2024 at 04:16 PM UTC
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