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Franklin Cultural Council

The mission of the Franklin Cultural Council (FCC) is to encourage participation and enhance opportunities for enrichment in all the cultural arts throughout our community. Comprised of committed residents, the FCC meets monthly from August through May with the purpose of supporting events and programs through grants from the Town of Franklin and the Massachusetts Cultural Council.


355 E Central Street
Franklin, MA 02038-1352

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Application Information

FY25 Allocation


FY25 Local Priorities

The Franklin Cultural Council will prioritize grant applications that promote the following principles.

Engaging Our Community:
– Held in the Town of Franklin or actively involves Franklin residents.
– Occurs within the boundaries of the Franklin Cultural District, the vibrant, walkable area that surrounds Downtown Franklin. For a map of the FCD, visit

Uplifting our Neighbors: Links the arts to the emotional well-being of Franklinites and contributes to personal and community resiliency and joy.

Promoting Cultural Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Elevates the voices and experiences of historically marginalized groups to create a more inclusive culture sector in Franklin.

Preserving Cultural Heritage: Commemorates Franklin’s local history and celebrates our new traditions.

Removing Barriers: Makes cultural experiences accessible to all, regardless of physical or economic constraints.

Supporting the Next Generation of Artists: Educates and/or supports school age children (grades K-12) in music, theatre or art programs.

FY25 Local Guidelines

The applicant’s project should elevate the rich cultural life of our community by expanding access, improving education, promoting diversity, and encouraging participation in and appreciation of the arts, humanities, civics, history or social sciences.

The applicant’s project must provide adequate public access for all and should be documented in the grant application.

Applicants must have a clear, written commitment from the sponsoring organization or venue.

Franklin Cultural Council funds are not intended to be used as the sole source of funding for projects.

Ticket prices for events will be taken into consideration during the grant approval process and must be included in your application.

Applicants must take into consideration local and state public health guidelines in place at the time of their event.

How Grant Recipients Are Paid

Reimbursement Grants

FY25 Funding List

Name Project Title Amount
Applefield, Janet Combating Hate and Prejudice $450
Children's Museum of Franklin MakerSpace Exhibit Area - Tables and Stools $5,800
Franklin Art Association, Inc. Guest Artist Demonstration $2,200
Franklin Farmers Market Farmers Market Performances $5,000
Franklin July 4th Coalition Inc. 2025 Franklin July 4th Celebration $2,500
Franklin Performing Arts Company, Inc. FPAC Family Concert Series $1,500
Franklin Public Library Ben Franklin Book Week Kickoff Concert $600
Franklin Public Library Irish in America $450
Franklin Public Library Holi Celebration $1,000
Homebrewed Theatre Company Homebrewed Theatre Company Winter Strange Shorts $2,600
Horace Mann Middle School Visiting Author $5,000
Johnson, Brenna The Empty Bowls - A 10 Year Celebration! $750
LiveARTS The 2024-25 LiveARTS Concert Series $1,750
MUSIC Hip Hop Chair Dance for Seniors! - a dance series $500
O'Brien, Kymberlee Brain Fitness Across Mulitple Domains $2,400
Southeastern Massachusetts Community Wind Symphony, Inc. Band Concert $650
Temple Beth Torah Lily Henley and Duncan Wickel in Concert $250
Town of Franklin "Where's The Toast" Memory Cafe $1,800
Zammarchi, Robert ElijahT. Grasshopper & Friends $600
earls, alan Second Annual Ben Franklin Book Week $500
rao, swati Navratri/Garba/Dandiya Raas $3,000

Review Complete LCC Program Guidelines

Mass Cultural Council publishes updates daily. Last update was made on March 29, 2025 at 01:22 AM UTC
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