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Fitchburg Cultural Council

The Fitchburg Cultural Council is committed to supporting diverse and inspiring programs for its residents. These programs: arts, science and humanities provide cultural enrichment in the everyday lives of our community. We serve as a conduit for conveying artistic and culturally based activities through community programs and grant solicitation. The selection of recipients and awarding of funds for grant recipients is primarily made possible from resources from the Massachusetts Cultural Council as well as fundraising endeavors and other charitable donations

¡LLAME PARA NUEVOS MIEMBRO Buscando: Artistas • Estudiantes • Contadores • Multilingües ¡Y cualquier persona interesada en involucrarse con las artes y la cultura en nuestra comunidad! Asista a nuestras reuniones mensuales que están abiertas al público. Envíenos un correo electrónico hoy a para obtener más información.

Join our fb group: Arts, Culture, & Things to Do in Fitchburg

The FCC meets on the 4th Monday from 5:00-6:00 pm at the Legislative Building at The Fitchburg City Hall. Meetings air Live, when available and replayed on FATV.


Joe Bowen, Chair

718 Main Street
Fitchburg, MA 01420-3125

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Application Information

FY25 Allocation


FY25 Local Priorities

All applications and supplemental materials must be submitted online. For special assistance, contact The Fitchburg Cultural Council via email: For additional questions, call The Mayor’s office at (978) 829-1800.

Based on feedback collected January-August 2024, the Fitchburg Cultural Council will encourage all programming opportunities with priority given to the following:
1) Priority will be given to applicants who live or work in Fitchburg and/or who offer programs and presentations that specifically benefit the Fitchburg community. Priority will be given to programs that specifically benefit families, immigrants, LGBTQIA2S+, the formerly incarcerated, veterans, people with disabilities and people of color.

2) Types of programs: Priority will be given to programs that are community-wide programs (ex. festivals, concerts/music programs, theater, visual art, poetry, open mic events, etc.) that have a focus on public art & beautification, including artistic contributions to road paving projects / promoting sustainable living; contain creative collaborations that bring communities together through unifying gatherings for all ages, interests and demographics; are sensory friendly and celebrate local history, cultures, and diversity

3) Publicity: Priority will be given to applicants that describe a marketing plan detailing action steps to promote their program to Fitchburg residents. For example: local newspapers, newsletters, mass mailings, banners, and flyers all around Fitchburg (Main St-Mill St, Library, City Hall, Community Centers, etc.) and online (social media, evite, YouTube, community calendars, official website, etc.). Programs or projects that spread awareness of Fitchburg programs locally and beyond are also encouraged, particularly with early marketing campaigns (> 2 weeks), multilingual options, FATV and podcast advertising.

4) Program Location: In-person programs that offer effective, virtual and accessible options (i.e. hybrid) will be prioritized. Virtual programs that collaborate with Fitchburg Access Television and invest in bilingual (especially Spanish) and ASL translators will be prioritized over virtual programs that do not.

FY25 Local Guidelines

1) Out-of-town applicants: If you do not live or work in the City of Fitchburg, you are required to provide a letter of support from a Fitchburg partner. A commitment letter from the venue is required and serves to meet this requirement.

2) Partners and Advisors: When you are listing local contributors / partners, please provide names and list their qualifications and in what way they will be assisting you.

3) Virtual Programming guidelines: Applicants for virtual programming applications must reside in North Central Massachusetts or the program must have campaigns promoting specifically to the Fitchburg Community.

Notes on Funding:
Funding Limits: The Fitchburg Cultural Council may initiate a funding limit on grants to fund as many viable projects as possible. You are encouraged to ask for as much funding as you wish and demonstrate how you will scale back your program in the event it cannot be fully funded. Last year, the highest award was approximately $1,400. If, after granting monies to all viable projects, there are still remaining funds to be disbursed, the council will award additional funds to the priorities listed above.

Funding: Will be the direct grant process.

Funding Sources: As always, we encourage Applicants to seek multiple sources of funding. On your application, you MUST list all other sources of financial assistance and grants that you have applied for and/or received. If your project will NOT happen without funding from the Fitchburg Cultural Council, you MUST let us know. For links to other programs and grants offered by the Mass Cultural Council, please visit:

Grant Trainings: Two trainings will be conducted. Tuesday, September 10 & Tuesday, October 1, 6-7PM at The Fitchburg Public Library, 166 Boulder Drive. Any additional trainings or changes to these dates can be found at the City of Fitchburg’s Agenda Center: as well as our social media sites.

Please add our email to your address book: and let us know if you have any questions.

How Grant Recipients Are Paid

Direct Grants

FY25 Funding List

Name Project Title Amount
Barros, Ricardo Facing Fitchburg: A Portfolio of Portraits, Passion and Agency $990
Bates III, Davis R. Celebrating the Season: A Halloween Harvest $550
Blaisdell, Allison Resilience Reset: Mastering Mind-Body Wellness $990
CARE Initiative Corporation On the G.O.E Pop-Up Postcards Project. $990
CARE Initiative Corporation A Traveling Art Journey - Rest and Reflect $990
Centro Celeste Corporation 2025 Uruguay Independence Day Festival $990
Chalifoux, Matthew Heal Yourself With Your Own Two Hands $990
City of Fitchburg Festival Latino $990
City of Fitchburg Civic Days Block Party $990
City of Fitchburg Civic Days Parade $990
City of Fitchburg Amazing Duck Race $500
City of Fitchburg Trick or Treat on Main St. $990
City of Fitchburg Holiday Lights $990
CoFF33 Corp. See, Hear, Feel Hip Hip Series 2025 $990
CoFF33 Corp. Buy Black Markey Juneteenth Celebration 2025 $990
Covino-Poutasse, Katharine Developing Digital Literacy $990
Coy, Kenisha "Breaking Through: The NeuroArts of Healing and Connection" $990
Coy, Kenisha Rest in Translation $990
Cragin, Sally The Reveille and Community Poetry Readalouds $990
Cragin, Sally Friends of Fitchburg Cemeteries $990
DiCaronimo, Laura The Openest Mic $990
Dinosaur Annex Music Ensemble, Inc. New Waves - Contemporary Music in Fitchburg $990
Discovery Museum, Inc. Open Door Connections $400
Edgecomb, Diane Fantastical Folktales of Flowers at Fitchburg Art Museum $675
Ethnic Arts Center of Somerville, Inc. Talking Family Puppets-Our Fitchburg Legacy $990
Fitchburg Art Museum, Inc. 89th Regional Exhibition of Art & Craft $990
Fitchburg Cultural Alliance, Inc. Broadway Karaoke $990
Fitchburg Historical Society Fitchburg's Revolutionary Hero: General Reed, a 21st Century View $990
Fitchburg Military Band, Inc. Fitchburg Military Band Summer Concert Series $990
Fitchburg Military Band, Inc. Fitchburg Military Band Holiday Concert $990
Fitchburg Parks and Recreation Department Concerts on the Commons $990
Fitchburg Parks and Recreation Department Movies in the Park $990
Fitchburg Parks and Recreation Department DPW Day $990
Fitchburg Public Library Spooky Bones & Creepy Crawlies $175
Friends of Coggshall Park Summer Concerts at Coggshall Park $990
Friends of Fitchburg Abolitionist Park Fitchburg Abolitionist Park Fall Celebration $990
Friends of Fitchburg, Dogs, Inc. Be PAWSitive 2025 $990
Groton Hill Music, Inc. Boys & Girls Club Afterschool and Summer Music Classes $990
Henry, Merrick B. Fitchburg Fandom Festival $990
Johnny Appleseed Trail Association, Inc. Johnny Appleseed Visitor Center Cultural Components $990
Laurelwood Garden Club Art/Beautification/public Benefit $675
Luria, Paul Jazzukulele $500
MUSIC Hip Hop Chair Dance for Seniors! - a dance series $500
MUSIC I am Autistic I am Fantastic - The Musical $580
MUSIC The History of Hip Hop Music and Dance $580
Madan, Achla 22nd Annual Fitchburg Blacksmith Art & Music Fest $990
Manning, James J. Minecraft Madness $799
McIninch, Coelynn Fitchburg Through Lens and Brush - Heather and Ricardo Barros $500
New Players Theatre Guild, Inc. James and the Giant Peach, Jr. $990
Newman, Howard Knock on Wood, acoustic folk-rock duo $550
North County Land Trust, Inc. Movie Night for Planet Earth $990
North Worcester County Symphony Orchestra & School of Music, Inc. Global Holiday Harmony $990
Operation Service, Inc. 9/11 Never Forget Mobile Exhibit $990
Osgood, Shara Lowe Park Chalk Art Festival $990
Osgood, Shara 1st Thursday Free Workshops $990
Pappas, Maria "Mindful Creations: Crafting Calm and Focus for Kids" $990
Pendleton-Chow, Audrey Free Pop Up Escape Game at Fitchburg Festivals $990
Quirk, Carolyn The Accessible Art Studio $990
Revontulet, Inc. Finnish Folk Dance in and around Fitchburg $990
St. Bernard's Elementary School The Magic School Bus Lost in the Solar System performance $990
Swantee, Kathryn Swan Hope Press 2025 Projects $990
The Montachusett Martin Luther King Coalition 2025 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Celebration $990
The Stratton Players, Inc. Stratton Players 2025 $990
The Thurston Consort, Inc. Monthly performances of the Thurston Consort Duet Ensemble. $990
Tincknell, Roger L. Pete Seeger to Peter, Paul, and Mary 60s Folk Revival $550
Troxler, Edward Music for Youth $990
Troxler, Edward Jazz in the city $990
Virginia Thurston Healing Garden, Inc. Artistic Pathways: Expressive Therapies for Cancer Support $990
Worcester Chamber Music Society, Inc. Worcester Chamber Music Society "Alter Egos" Free tickets for seniors and residents $990
Wright, Joseph Community Concerts with Central Mass Brass $990
York, Matt Holiday Concert - Matt York - Songs and Stories $550
deManbey, Samantha The Subjective Observer Podcast $700

Review Complete LCC Program Guidelines

Mass Cultural Council publishes updates daily. Last update was made on March 29, 2025 at 01:22 AM UTC
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