Concord Cultural Council
The Concord Cultural Council is a non-profit organization appointed by the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Concord. Mass Cultural Council (MCC) ( is the governing organization from which funds are derived. Its mission is to promote excellence, access, education, and diversity in the arts, humanities, and interpretive sciences to improve the quality of life for all Massachusetts residents and contribute to the economic vitality of our communities.
Tooey Rogers
Town House
22 Monument Square
Concord, MA 01742-1865
Application Information
FY25 Allocation
FY25 Local Priorities
Our priorities align with the MCC in the grant application process. We also support the diversity, equality, and inclusion priority.
FY25 Local Guidelines
Our guidelines align with the MCC guidelines. Concord is fortunate to have numerous arts groups that we encourage to submit grants. We seek applications from individual artists to large choruses. We publish the schedule of programs that we fund so that the community can enjoy those programs we fund.
How Grant Recipients Are Paid
Reimbursement Grants
FY25 Funding List
A grant list will be published here after January 17, 2025 and once the Local Cultural Council has finalized their decisions.