Clinton Cultural Council
The Clinton Cultural Council receives grant money from the MA state cultural council and allocates the money to people or organizations who request them.
There is a grant application form available on-line to use in requesting these monies.
The local council reviews these grants and awards the money to those who fit the criteria of the grant.
Our mission is to provide cultural programs that would benefit as many Clinton residents as possible.
Clinton Cultural Council Members:
Yoanna Osborne, co-chair
Wendy Middleman Williams, co-chair
Judy McGrail, member
Lisa Philbin, member
Pat O’Malley, member
Debra McMahon, member
Anne Feehly, member
Kristie Raymond, member
Nina Waddell, member
Yoanna Osborne - Wendy Williams
Town Hall, Selectmen's Office
242 Church Street
Clinton, MA 01510-2631
Application Information
FY25 Allocation
FY25 Local Priorities
The Clinton Cultural Council gives priority to events centered in Clinton first and then considers outside programs that reach the greatest number of citizens residing in Clinton.
When possible we encourage in-person programs.
We give consideration to qualifying applicants who haven’t been awarded grant money in past cycles so as not to always favor repeat applicants who meet criteria year after year.
Preference is given to applications with a definite program and location. Letters of support from the proposed venue are encouraged.
We are particularly sensitive to requests by the local school system and public library for field trips or cultural events that otherwise might not occur for budgetary reasons.
Only online applications will be accepted.
FY25 Local Guidelines
All applicants must have a secured venue, date, and time to be considered for a grant.
How Grant Recipients Are Paid
Reimbursement Grants
FY25 Funding List
Name | Project Title | Amount |
Benton, Zachary | Melodious Zach Presents the Music of Prince | $350 | Charles, Meredith | Social Emotional Learning through Theater | $700 | Clinton Council on Aging | Art Classes | $1,500 | Clinton Council on Aging | JFK Museum | $1,939 | Clinton Historical Society | Cruisin' Clinton | $1,200 | Clinton Parks and Recreation Department | Clinton Holiday Pops | $1,000 | Clinton Parks and Recreation Department | Movies in the Park | $2,000 | Clinton Senior High School | Commonwealth Shakespeare Company Stage2School Workshop | $1,500 | Discovery Museum, Inc. | Open Door Connections | $400 | Fullerton, Sean | RIC 12: A Tribute to the Sound of Jangle Rock | $350 | Hurlbut, Steven M. | Jumpin' Juba Library Concert | $380 | Johnny Appleseed Trail Association, Inc. | Johnny Appleseed Visitor Center Cultural Components | $500 | MUSIC | Hip Hop Chair Dance for Seniors! - a dance series | $600 | Nashoba Symphonic Band | Nashoba Symphonic Band | $500 | Powell, Jennifer | Outdoor Sculpture "You are Here" | $500 | Rauscher Farm Management Subcommittee | Nature as Imagination: You and Your Camera on Rauscher Farm | $700 | Record, Julianna | Yoga in Central Park | $800 | The Friends of the Bigelow Free Public Library Inc | Library Mini Golf | $1,000 | Virginia Thurston Healing Garden, Inc. | Artistic Pathways: Expressive Therapies for Cancer Support | $1,000 | Waterman, Jon | Live Music Making History Live | $400 | Worcester Youth Orchestras, Inc. | Americana Fall Concert | $400 | York, Matt | Willie Nelson Songs and Stories | $400 |