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Belchertown Cultural Council

The Belchertown Cultural Council strives to bring the arts to our community by focusing on local artists who are dedicated and enthusiastic about sharing their talents with our schools, community centers, and with anyone who enjoys taking in the meaningful cultural experiences that this area has to offer. The cultural council seeks diversity in its programming as well as presentations and workshops that explore the arts in a way that will educate and invigorate the community.


Molly Robinson

2 Jabish Street
Belchertown, MA 01007-9840

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Application Information

FY25 Allocation


FY25 Local Priorities

The Belchertown Cultural Council strives to bring the arts to our community by focusing on local artists who are dedicated and enthusiastic about sharing their talents with our community. We are focused on promoting cultural equity, diversity and inclusion by prioritizing programming from LGBTQ+ organizations and organizations that center BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) individuals and communities.

Preference is given to applications that fall in the following categories:
Public events
Nature, science and environmental education
Programs celebrating local history and cultural diversity

In addition to MCC requirements, the following local criteria must be met:

Public Benefit: The project or program must take place in Belchertown and the application must clearly articulate the benefit it brings to our community.

Venue: All applications must include a letter of support from the venue. Applicants are responsible for arranging the venue. If you have not yet identified a venue or need support with securing a venue please reach out to us at before applying and we will assist you.

Budget: Grants from BCC are not intended to be the sole source of funding for your project or program, with limited exceptions, your project or program must be able to proceed with only partial funding.

Caps and limitations:
BCC caps grant awards at $1,500.
The number of grant applications that we receive, along with our state allocation, will determine if any grant applications will be fully funded or if all grant awards are partial.

Applicants cannot receive more than two grant awards per cycle, but may submit more than two applications.
Applicants who have been awarded grants in prior years and did not complete their programming or did not follow promotion guidelines will be de-prioritized.
Ongoing projects and programs cannot receive a grant award more than three years in a row.
Grants to fund scholarships, tuition reimbursement, travel expenses, or capital expenditures are ineligible.
Grant applicants proposing to work in the Belchertown Public Schools should apply for a grant through the Belchertown Education Foundation.

Letters of support:
Projects involving collaboration must include a letter of support from the collaborating organizations.

BCC expectations:
Promoting your event: you must provide your marketing materials to us no less than two weeks prior to the start date(s) of your project(s) or program(s), so we can 1) review the required credit line and logo, and 2) promote your project or program as an LCC grant recipient.
Representation is expected at our Grant Reception, usually held in the spring. The date will be communicated at the time of the grant award notification.
Grant recipients are required to complete a short assessment form after the completion of their project or event.
Acknowledgement of Belchertown Cultural Council support must be given during the program or project and verification of such must be provided for grant payout

FY25 Local Guidelines

Deadline: Applications open September 1 and are due by October 17th.
Time/Venue Required: Applicants must specify an arranged venue for their activity and a specific date or on-going timeline.
Level of Support: The Council may not fully fund your project. To demonstrate that your project is not dependent solely on BCC funding, you must specify other sources of financial support in the budget section of the application.
Qualifications: Applicants must demonstrate a record of engagement in the type of activity for which funds are requested.
Program Eligibility: Programs in music, dance, visual arts, poetry, literature, drama, the humanities and scientific interpretation for all age groups will be considered. Applications for programs that are normally funded by the town budget and/or programs taking place within the Belchertown Public Schools will not be considered.
Repeat Applicants: An applicant who is funded 3 successive years will not be considered.
Project modifications: After the grants are awarded, programs cannot be modified without the Council’s review.

How Grant Recipients Are Paid

Reimbursement Grants

FY25 Funding List

Name Project Title Amount
Arcpoint Brewing Company Community-Centric Entertainment and Events at Arcpoint Brewery $1,500
Barrett, Cynthia Reading and Signing for Emma and Belley: Sister Detectives, A Bilingual Book $150
Barry, Patricia Your (sic) Back in the Garden-- Taking care of your Body as you work.. $315
Bates III, Davis R. Ghosts, Goblins & More: Performance & Workshop for Teens & Tweens $550
Belchertown Community Band, Inc. Belchertown Community Band and resulting Concerts on the Common $1,500
Belchertown Council on Aging The ABC's off Genealogy- Getting Started with Family Research $200
Belchertown Council on Aging Paint Sip Fun $450
Belchertown Council on Aging Birds of Prey $300
Belchertown High School Writing Club Literary Journal $600
Clapp Memorial Library, Inc. Nature Photography Workshops $1,500
Collaborative for Educational Services, Inc. Springfield Symphony Musical Petting Zoo $420
Comeau, Robert Belchertown Cemeteries $330
Elkus, Eli Musical Storytelling & Folk Music by Eli Elkus at Belchertown Farmers' Market $450
Hicks, Laura Lady Singers of the 70's $250
Kachulis, Nick Life with Bill: A New Model for Aging $800
Kirouac, Daniel Concert for COA Valentine's Day luncheon $300
LAPOINTE, DEBRA Sensory Garden Opening $335
Longley, Donald Blue Heron $1,500
Mankita, Jay Artful Mechanisms $900
Manselle, Jafar “West African Drumming Workshop - Come Out to Play” $300
Martin, Jess Echoes in Nature: Hampshire County $1,375
Neill, David Music Concert by the Jazz Bones $750
Piekara, John Energy and Sustainability $500
Pioneer Valley Concert Band Sounds of Summer $1,500
Stepanek, Julie Saturday Music Series $800
Sticca, Paul Acousticca Band at Belchertown's Food Truck Fridays $750
Tincknell, Roger L. From Ireland to America $515
Walker, Loren Scarboro Art Garden – A Dwight-Inspired Art and History Day at the Scarboro Bowl $1,500
Waterman, Jon Live Music Making History Live-Popular Music and Veterans $400
West Mass Brass Band Brass Band Concert on the Common $1,260

Review Complete LCC Program Guidelines

Mass Cultural Council publishes updates daily. Last update was made on March 29, 2025 at 01:22 AM UTC
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