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Attleboro Cultural Council

The Attleboro Cultural Council is comprised of resident volunteers with a passion for our city. We encourage you to be involved as a volunteer or an applicant. Please find more information on our website or by Liking us on Facebook


Heather Rockwood

Attleboro City Hall
77 Park Street
Attleboro, MA 02703-2334

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Application Information

FY25 Allocation


FY25 Local Priorities

The mission of the Massachusetts Cultural Council and its local cultural council partners is “to promote excellence, access, education, and diversity in the arts, humanities, and interpretive sciences, in order to improve the quality of life for all Massachusetts residents and to contribute to the economic vitality of our communities.”

The Attleboro Cultural Council (ACC) is a grass-roots organization, funded by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, to promote culture in the City of Attleboro, Massachusetts. Working through the arts, humanities, and sciences, culture is a dynamic force for enriching communities, growing the economy, fostering diversity and inclusion, and igniting creativity.

The ACC oversees the distribution of Massachusetts Cultural Council grant funds to support programs that promote and maintain the vitality of local cultural resources, and ensures that these resources are shared within the diverse Attleboro community. The ACC is composed of a group of local volunteers, who are appointed by the mayor, and approved by the City Council, to help support and promote activities and the arts in Attleboro.
ACC members annually review applications from individuals, schools, and organizations to fund programs such as concerts, performances, lectures, workshops, art experiences and community celebration/festivals.

ACC goals include:
• Creating an environment for a vibrant and sustainable arts and culture ecosystem.
• Cultivating a city where all cultural traditions and expressions are respected, promoted, and supported.
• Integrating arts and culture into all aspects of civic life.
• Mobilizing likely and unlikely partners and collaborating across institutions and sectors.

The Attleboro Cultural Council gathers input from the community yearly and develops funding priorities based on this feedback. This year the
Attleboro Cultural Council will give priority to:
• Projects that focus on community gatherings and building community
• Projects that are free or very low cost to participants and/or attendees, or seeking to defray costs to participants and/or attendees
• Projects that take place in Attleboro or have Attleboro resident participation
• Applicants that have secured a local venue and have a letter of support from that host venue

If you have questions about the Attleboro Cultural Council priorities, please ask through email before you apply.

FY25 Local Guidelines

FY25 Local Guidelines

In addition to the state criteria, applications will be evaluated using the following review criteria:
• How well the program meets our local priorities
• Community support and involvement
• Ability to address the diverse cultural needs of our community’s underserved populations or support diverse forms of cultural activities
• Financial need
• Proposed projects are well-planned and organized
• Evidence of track record and dedication of the applicant if they have been awarded grants in a previous cycle
• Projects with an admission cost to the public must clearly indicate how grant monies will be used and why they are necessary.
• Proposed programs must take place in calendar year 2025
• Transportation/bus costs, administration, or fundraising expenses will not be funded with grant monies unless there are extenuating circumstances that are clearly explained in the grant application
• Under no circumstances are food and beverage costs covered.

Applicants can be:
• Arts, humanities, or interpretive science organizations
• Individuals including artists, science educators, historians, musicians, writers or other humanists, parents, community members, etc.
• Community organizations, including but not limited to: schools, social service organizations, civic groups, neighborhood centers, youth, senior and family associations, etc.
• Nonprofit organizations, or unincorporated associations must have a nonprofit purpose.
• For-profit entities that propose projects that provide public benefit.

• Completed applications must be submitted by the October 16th deadline stipulated by the Massachusetts Cultural Council.
• The ACC reviews all grant applications and determines which projects to fund in November.
• Notification of non-funded applications are sent by early December.
• The approval letters announcing the award of grant money are generally sent in January.
• All projects must be completed in calendar year 2025.

How Grant Recipients Are Paid

Reimbursement Grants

FY25 Funding List

Name Project Title Amount
Applefield, Janet Combating Hate and Prejudice $450
Attleboro Area Industrial Museum, Inc. 50th Anniversary Celebrations! $1,475
Attleboro Community Theatre, Inc. Partial Funding of Attleboro Community Theatre's 68th Season of Shows $4,944
Attleboro Council on Aging Cultural Diversity $1,500
Attleboro Garden Club Design a Natural Mini Meadow $350
Attleboro High School AHS Adaptive Instruments $1,700
Attleboro Public Library Nurturing Your Creative Purpose - 7 week writing workshop $600
Attleboro Public Library Mindful Drawing with Cara Bean $710
Bridgewater Antiphonal Brass Society, Inc. Brass Band Concert $900
City of Attleboro City of Attleboro Holiday Happening $1,500
City of Attleboro Capron Park Zoo Bilingual Book Walk $1,300
City of Attleboro Makers Festival $250
City of Attleboro Recreation Recreation Through Expression: A Youth Inspired Mural Collaboration $2,500
Danesco, Beth Walk-In Wednesdays At The National Black Doll Museum $550
Holme, Maria Beyond The Vision Board $250
Homebrewed Theatre Company Homebrewed Theatre Company Outdoor Summer Play $3,000
Hyman Fine Elementary School Exploring Asian Culture through a Multicultural Performance and an Educational Field Trip $2,400
Illuminate Creative & Theatrical Arts Company, Inc. Illuminate's Puppet Team: The Luminators $3,750
Illuminate Creative & Theatrical Arts Company, Inc. Shakespeare in the Skate Park $2,000
Illuminate Creative & Theatrical Arts Company, Inc. Master Class $500
Irvin A. Studley Elementary School Field Trip To Plimoth Pawtuxet Museum $1,200
Keezing, Jonathan A. Level Up at Your Library $500
Kennedy-Donovan Center, Inc. Yoga and Music for KDC's Attleboro Early Intervention Program $1,053
MUSIC Hip Hop Chair Dance for Seniors! - a dance series $500
Mass Audubon South East Region Woodward Discovery Days: Nature and Art for Families $1,830
Massachusetts Educational Theater Guild, Inc. The Massachusetts High School Drama Festival $1,000
NoteAble Blend Chorus A capella concert $400
NoteAble Blend Chorus A cappella concert $400
Roundabout Productions, Inc. As You Like It $2,000
Science & Engineering Education Development, Inc. Animal Superpowers at the Attleboro Public Library $425
Southeastern Massachusetts Arts Collaborative Southeastern Massachusetts Wind Symphony $300
The Attleboro Museum, Inc. High Art Exhibition: "Balance" $250
The Attleboro Museum, Inc. GN Crew Reunion Exhibition Supplies $1,200
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Committee of Greater Attleboro 38th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Interfaith Service $1,380
York, Matt Matt York - Classic Country Revue $350
Zammarchi, Robert ElijahT. Grasshopper & Friends $550

Review Complete LCC Program Guidelines

Mass Cultural Council publishes updates daily. Last update was made on March 29, 2025 at 01:22 AM UTC
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