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Weymouth Cultural Council

Thank you for your interest in the Weymouth Cultural Council. Our mission is to primarily support cultural events for the citizens of Weymouth.
Preference will be given to performances and events located at Weymouth community venues, and to established artists and organizations based in Weymouth or supporting the residents of Weymouth.

Grant applications must be submitted online between SEPTEMBER 1 – OCTOBER 16, 2024. We are not able to accept late applications.

The Weymouth Cultural Council (WCC) is a volunteer group of Weymouth residents whose purpose is to support local public programs that promote access, education, diversity and excellence in the arts and humanities to benefit the residents of Weymouth.

The WCC has an important role in ensuring that cultural opportunities are made accessible to all segments of the community, including children, teens, elders and the disabled. Preference will be given to performances and events located at Weymouth community venues, and established artists and organizations based in Weymouth or supporting the residents of Weymouth.

Programs we will fund include, but are not limited to:
– Community wide gatherings: festivals, concerts, plays, other cultural activities
– School cultural enrichment programs
– Nature, environmental education projects
– Projects celebrating local history, cultural diversity
– Restoration or preservation projects (not related to capital expenditures)
– Neighborhood revitalization
– Local artists’ live and work spaces, and professional development

Massachusetts-based individuals, artists, nonprofit community groups, cultural institutions and schools may apply.
In addition to the state criteria (public benefit, non-discrimination, no substitution, arts/humanities/interpretive sciences), applications will be evaluated using the following review criteria:
– How well the program meets our local priorities
– Community support and involvement
– Evidence of track record and dedication of the applicant
– Ability to address the diverse cultural needs of a community’s underserved populations or support diverse forms of cultural activities
– Financial need
– Demonstrated planning, including venue, artist, and date(s) of program.
– Applicants Compliance with Credit and Publicity requirement for prior year’s grants

We do not fund travel, food, beverages, or field trips.

Applicants that are non-profit will not be reimbursed for sales taxes paid.

Approved applicants will receive an Approval Letter, Reimbursement Form, and Grantee Credit and Publicity Requirements near the beginning of next year. In order for Applicants to receive reimbursement, they must meet the following 3 requirements:
To receive payment, the Reimbursement Form attached to the Approval Letter must be filled out. Either Federal Tax ID or Social Security Number must be provided on the form. NOTE: Sales taxes paid by non-profit organizations are not reimbursable.

Applicants must provide evidence that the event took place.
In addition, sponsorship credit should be given in copies of announcements, programs, news clippings, press releases, photos, on-line postings etc.
Per Massachusetts Cultural Council guidelines, credit should include ALL 3 listed below:
(1) Sponsorship credit to Weymouth Cultural Council
(2) Sponsorship credit to Massachusetts Cultural Council
(3) Display the Massachusetts Cultural Council logo
NOTE: Compliance with sponsorship credit is monitored year to year and is one factor used to determine future grants.

FOR BANK ON-LINE OR CHECK PAYMENTS: Copies front and back of checks after processing by bank or bank statement showing payee information with check image if available.
FOR CASH PAYMENTS: Copies of Paid bills or receipts.
FOR CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS: Copies of receipt or online order. Copies of credit card statements showing information related to your project displayed. Unrelated charges and the first 12 digits of
account number may be redacted.
INVOICE/CONTRACT REQUIRED: Grantees that pay invoices/contracts should provide copies.
INVOICE REQUIRED: Grantees that are also the vendor such as individual musicians and do not have other expenses or individual checks paid, should produce an invoice made out to “Town of Weymouth”.
INVOICE REQUIRED: Grantees that are also the vendor, such as musical bands, and have no expenses other than checks paid to individual band performers, should provide copies of the cancelled checks and an invoice made out to “Town of Weymouth”.
INVOICE NOT REQUIRED: Cases where the town had already paid an invoice for a town organization such as the library and the cancelled checks are from the town.
Neglecting to include these items will delay your payment.
Reimbursement will take approximately four to six weeks.
You will have one year from the date of the Approval Letter to submit a request for reimbursement.


Debbie Courteau, Chair

Weymouth Town Hall
75 Middle Street
Weymouth, MA 02189-1359

Application Information

FY25 Allocation


FY25 Local Priorities

Our mission is to support cultural events primarily for the citizens of Weymouth.

FY25 Local Guidelines

We do not fund travel, food, beverages, or field trips. Applicants that are non-profit will not be reimbursed for sales taxes paid. To receive consideration, all applications must have a date, venue, and artist listed on the application.

How Grant Recipients Are Paid

Reimbursement Grants

Apply Now

FY24 Funding List

Name Project Title Amount
Academy Avenue School Parent Council Len Cabral Storyteller $1,000
Academy Avenue School Parent Council Jerry Pallotta Visit $1,500
Academy Avenue School Parent Council Illstyle & Peace $1,200
Atlantic Symphony Orchestra, Inc. Pajamas Music Time $200
East Weymouth Congregational Church, United Church of Christ Jake Armerding, singer-songwriter $500
Fine Arts Chorale, Inc. Mozart Vesperae Solennes de Confessore and Handel Dettingen Te Deum $500
Maria Weston Chapman Middle School Bringing the ARTS to Chapman 2024 $3,700
Massachusetts Educational Theater Guild, Inc. The Massachusetts High School Drama Festival $1,000
Murphy School Parent Council Murphy Cultural Arts Enrichment Programs $2,670
Science & Engineering Education Development, Inc. Light and Sound for Grades 1,2 at Pingree and Nash $2,300
South Shore Children's Chorus, Corp. SSCC Winter & Spring Concerts 2024 $1,000
South Shore Stars, Inc. Migrations: Music and Flight $2,677
South Shore Young Men's Christian Association Corn Festival performers $500
South Shore Young Men's Christian Association Maple Day $500
Southeastern Philharmonic Orchestra, Inc. Youth Concert $1,000
The Arc of the South Shore, Inc. 4th Annual Holiday Festival Featuring Winter Sleigh Rides at Webb State Park $2,500
Thomas V. Nash, Jr. Elementary School Rob Surette -Amazing Hero Art $1,384
Thomas V. Nash, Jr. Elementary School Prismatic Magic -BLACK HISTORY W/ STEM EXPANSION $1,149
Thomas V. Nash, Jr. Elementary School Johnny The K Character building performance $600
Thomas V. Nash, Jr. Elementary School Mannie Nogueira BMX Show $600
Town of Weymouth Water Lantern Festival $2,500
Town of Weymouth Weymouth's Annual Pumpkin Give-A-Wey at Farmers Market $2,500
Town of Weymouth Weymouth Summer Concert and Movie Series $2,000
Weymouth Art Association Art Demonstrations, Presentations & workshops $1,200
Weymouth Elder Services Weymouth Elder Services Cultural Event / Senior Summer Event $2,500
Weymouth Irish Heritage Parade and Festival 2024 Weymouth Irish Heritage Parade and Festival $1,000
Weymouth Public Libraries Pop Up Art School : Paint a Winter Boston Terrier $300
Weymouth Public Libraries Pop Up Art School : Clay Bee Sculpture $425
Weymouth Public Libraries Clay Cacti for Teens $300
Weymouth Public Libraries Henna For Teens $350
Weymouth Public Libraries Introduction to Acting For Teens $300
Weymouth Public Libraries Boston Classical Guitar Society Saturday Concerts $600
Weymouth Public Libraries Storytelling For All - 3 workshop series $350
Weymouth Public Schools Wongai! Rhythms of West Africa, Brazil and the Caribbean $930
Weymouth Public Schools Amazing Hero Art $1,406
Weymouth Public Schools Improv for Inclusion: Acceptance and Support $1,300
Weymouth for Inclusion, Solidarity and Equity (WISE), Inc. Juneteenth Celebration $425
William Seach Primary School Len Cabral - Weaving Words Connecting Cultures $1,000
William Seach Primary School The Brain Show $1,700
William Seach Primary School Impact series 2023 $1,000

Apply Now

Review Complete LCC Program Guidelines

Mass Cultural Council publishes updates daily. Last update was made on October 11, 2024 at 10:16 PM UTC
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