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Shrewsbury Cultural Council

Shrewsbury Cultural Council believes in supporting all varieties of arts in the local community and seeks to enrich the cultural experience and quality of life of Shrewsbury residents. We do this by awarding grants for deserving projects that take place in our schools, cultural organizations, community centers, libraries, elder care facilities, town halls and parks; wherever our community comes together. We strive to support cultural enrichment and creative opportunities that provide diversity and availability to all residents of our town.


Jane Siebels and Lauren Blumberg, Chairpersons

Town of Shrewsbury
100 Maple Avenue
Shrewsbury, MA 01545-5398

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Application Information

FY25 Allocation


FY25 Local Priorities

Shrewsbury Cultural Council supports all varieties of arts in the local community and seeks to enrich the cultural experience and quality of life of Shrewsbury residents. We do this by awarding grants for deserving projects in our schools, cultural organizations, community centers, libraries, elder care facilities, town halls, and parks, wherever our community comes together. We strive to support cultural enrichment and creative opportunities that provide diversity and availability to all residents of our town.

FY25 Local Guidelines

FY25 Local Guidelines

1. Applications

Please take time to review the CRITERIA FOR AWARDING FUNDS in the Regulations and Guidelines for awarding grants at

Grant applications must be submitted by October 16 to be considered for the following calendar year, Jan 1st to Dec. 31st. Applications submitted after this date will not be considered.

Grants are awarded on a REIMBURSEMENT BASIS. Payment can only be made to the approved applicant AFTER the event or project is completed.

The event must have a specific date, time, and location.

Projects must directly benefit Shrewsbury residents.

The event must be open to the public, be handicapped accessible, and be so advertised.

Projects must involve Arts, Humanities, or Sciences as outlined by the MCC criteria.

Projects must be completed within the cycle the grant was awarded.

Applicants proposing to perform in the Shrewsbury public or private schools or other Town agencies, such as the senior center, library, parks and recreation departments, and religious organizations, must provide a letter of agreement from the venue. The venue must verify the date or time period, location, and program name.

Due to the limited funding, grants over $2000 are rarely funded. The majority of grants funded are for less than $1000. Smaller requests are more likely to be funded in full. Partial funding may be offered by the Shrewsbury Cultural Council.

Capital expenditures: Select capital expenditures may be granted. See the MCC website for specifics.

Continuing projects: Projects of a continuing nature must have additional sources of funding, aside from the Shrewsbury Cultural Council.

II. Acknowledgment

Grant recipients must acknowledge Mass Cultural Council and the Shrewsbury Cultural Council. Proof of credit acknowledgment must be provided when you request reimbursement. (Please refer to the “” (LCC Regulations and Guidelines PDF) for more information about this policy.)

III. Reimbursements

Grant recipients have one year from the date of their final approval letter to request reimbursement. To request reimbursement, the recipient must complete a reimbursement form provided by the SCC. Reimbursements may be made directly to the applicant or to third-party vendors who have provided goods, materials, or services to the applicant. In either case, the Shrewsbury Cultural Council must retain a copy of the documentation provided by the applicant with the application as part of the council’s records.

Along with the completed reimbursement form, grant recipients must submit:

“Proof of credit acknowledgment” as described in the section above.

Appropriate supporting documentation regarding how funds were used: This typically means receipts from performers, printers, etc.

Shrewsbury Cultural Council should process reimbursements as they arrive to ensure timely payment of grantees.

How Grant Recipients Are Paid

Reimbursement Grants

FY25 Funding List

A grant list will be published here after January 17, 2025 and once the Local Cultural Council has finalized their decisions.

Review Complete LCC Program Guidelines

Mass Cultural Council publishes updates daily. Last update was made on January 7, 2025 at 08:16 AM UTC
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