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Newburyport Cultural Council

The Newburyport Cultural Council is a 10-member volunteer board whose members are appointed by the Mayor, approved by the City Council, and serve three-year terms. Our purpose is to distribute the funding made available to our community by the State of Massachusetts through Mass Cultural Council. We read, discuss, and vote on all submitted applications.

We seek to support both established and new cultural organizations, large and small, to enhance the already rich cultural environment of Newburyport.


Pat Cannon

City Hall
60 Pleasant Street
Newburyport, MA 01950-2627

Application Information

FY25 Allocation


FY25 Local Priorities

Applicants that have secured a confirmed venue, place, date, and time
Local cultural projects presented in the Newburyport area
Projects with maximum audience and/or community impact
Demonstrated performance excellence, audience relevance, and strong management
Ability to address the cultural needs of our community while supporting diverse forms of cultural activity and include in application intended impact
Financial Need
A well-prepared and thorough application
Encouraging first-time applicants

FY25 Local Guidelines

Information not provided

How Grant Recipients Are Paid

Reimbursement Grants

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FY24 Funding List

Name Project Title Amount
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church of Newburyport Greek Food Festival Greek Band $250
Arpeggione Ensemble, Inc. Rebel Socialites and Women Ahead of their Time $400
Burns-Dore, Barbara Creativity Through Cut Paper Collage $200
Cantemus, Inc. Annelies, a large-scale choral-instrumental work based on texts from Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, James Whitbourn, composer $500
Friends of Garrison Annual Garrison Lecture $200
Greaney Ellrott, Aine M. Emma L. Andrews Memoir Writing Project and Event $500
Greater Newburyport Ovarian Cancer Awareness Newburyport Lantern Festival 2024 $400
Greater Newburyport Village, Inc. Port Gingerbread Festival $200
Imagine Studios Indigenous Peoples Day $250
Juventas Music, Inc. Water! $200
Merrimack Valley Concert Band, Inc. 15th Annual Field of Honor $600
Newburyport Art Association, Inc. 1st Annual Newburyport Arts Symposium $400
Newburyport Chamber Music Festival, Inc. Newburyport Chamber Music Summer Festival $400
Newburyport Choral Society, Inc. NCS Spring Concert 2024 – Resilience & Hope $350
Newburyport Film Festival, Inc. Newburyport Documentary Film Festival $400
Open Air Sculpture Group Outdoor Sculpture at Maudslay 2024 $500
People's United Methodist Church People's Cafe Neighborhood Open House $400
River Valley Charter District Community Mosaic Mural $630
Skylark Vocal Ensemble, Inc. Goodnight Moon $400
Szabo, Deborah The Favorite Poem Project $200
Terezin: Children of the Holocaust, Inc. Terezin- Children of the Holocaust $200
The Actors Studio of Newburyport, Inc. HerStory, a month long celebration $400
The Delvena Theatre Company Mangia, Meatballs and Murder $200
The Newburyport Literary Festival Newburyport Literary Festival $300
Tinkerhaus Community Maker Space, Inc. Painting the River $300
Town of Salisbury Mural at Partridge Brook Skatepark $100

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Review Complete LCC Program Guidelines

Mass Cultural Council publishes updates daily. Last update was made on October 11, 2024 at 10:16 PM UTC
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